Orange County NC Website
17 <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />1. BACKGROUND <br />The County requires. disaster management, recovery, and consulting services to support the <br />oversight and management of debris recovery contractors. As such, the Consultant should <br />be capable of providing a range of related services including damage assessment, training, <br />emergency planning, infrastructure restoration, and other services as needed and ordered <br />by the County. Other services may include, but not limited to, facilitating communication <br />with FEMA, FHWA, the State of North Carolina and other state and federal agencies, <br />coordination with state insurance representatives, pre-event planning, and post-event <br />reconstruction, grant funding, and reimbursement services. <br />2. SCOPE <br />A. DISASTER DEBRIS MONITORING SERVICES <br />The selected firm will be expected to provide disaster debris monitoring services to include <br />debris generated from the public rights-of-way, private property, drainage areas, waterways, <br />and other public, eligible, or designated areas. Specific services may include: <br />1) Coordinating daily briefings, work progress, staffing, and other key items with the <br />County. <br />2) Selection and permitting of TDSRS locations and any other permitting/regulatory issues <br />as necessary. <br />3) DMS oversight to include all processing, burning, and off site disposal including <br />agreements/contracts and verification of needs. <br />4) Scheduling work for all team members and contractors on a daily basis. <br />5) Hiring,. scheduling, and managing field staff. <br />6) Monitoring recovery contractor operations and making/implementing recommendations <br />to improve efficiency as well as speed up recovery work and assure all debris removal <br />workmeets FEMA eligibility guidelines. <br />7) Assisting the County with responding to public concerns and comments. <br />8) Certifying contractor vehicles for debris removal using methodology and documentation <br />practices appropriate for contract monitoring. <br />9) Entering load tickets into a database application. <br />10) Digitization of source documentation (such as load tickets). <br />11) Developing daily operational reports to keep the County informed of work progress. <br />RFP 5167 -PAGE 6 OF 11 <br />