Orange County NC Website
16 <br />2. QUALIFICATIONS OF STAFF <br />Provide an organizational chart, resumes, and summary of staff qualifications. Key project staff <br />(management staff including, but not limited to: project manager, collection and disposal operations <br />managers, FEMA reimbursement specialist, data manager, etc.) must be full time employees of the <br />proposing firm and have experience, working for the Proposer, in the following: <br />a. Experience demonstrating current capacity and current expertise in debris removal, solid <br />waste and hazardous waste management and disposal. The proposer must demonstrate <br />experience managing disaster debris monitoring for at least five local governments involving <br />a minimum of 500,000 cubic yards of debris for each client. <br />b. Documented knowledge and experience of Federal, State and Local emergency agencies, <br />state and federal programs, funding sources and reimbursement processes. <br />c. Experience with special disaster recovery program management services on public property <br />to include private property/right-of-entry (ROE) work when allowed or do so by <br />owner, waterways clean-up and reimbursement, leaning tree and hanging limb removal, <br />hazardous material removal, vessel and vehicle recovery, asbestos abatement, data <br />management, DMS sighting, DMS oversight to include all processing, burning, and off site <br />disposal including agreements/contracts and verification of needs, hauler invoice <br />reconciliation and contracting, and FEMA appeals assistance. <br />3. TECHNICAL APPROACH <br />Provide a description of the Proposer's approach to the project, to include startup <br />procedures/requirements, debris estimate methodology, analysis of debris recovery operations and <br />management of the debris recovery contractors, billing/invoices reporting procedures to FEMA and <br />the County. Provide a copy of proposer's internal training program. Provide under separate cover <br />the Proposers training manual. <br />4. COST PROPOSAL <br />Each Proposer must complete and submit the Cost Proposal Form/Fee Schedule included herein. <br />The Cost Proposal will be evaluated on the hourly rates submitted on the cost proposal form for the <br />labor positions listed. All non-labor projected costs will be billed to the County at cost without <br />markup. <br />5. SAMPLE CONTRACT <br />A sample contract is included in this RFP package. <br />RFP 5167 -PAGE 5 OF 11 <br />