Orange County NC Website
15 <br />QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS RFP: <br />All questions or concerns regarding this Request for Proposals must be submitted in writing, by US <br />Postal Service, courier service or by email to David Cannell, Asset Management & Purchasing <br />Services Department, 131 West Margaret Lane, PO Box 8181, Hillsborough, NC 27278, email: <br /> (preferred) no later than 5:00 PM, on Tuesday, September 14, 2010. <br />The County may issue an addendum to the Request for Proposals for distribution to all known <br />prospective proposers, any addendum will also be published on the following website under <br />current bids No oral interpretation of this Request for Proposal <br />shall be considered binding. The County shall be bound by information and statements only when <br />such statements are written and executed under the authority of the County. <br />PROPOSAL FORMAT: <br />Proposers must respond in the format delineated below. <br />The following information shall be tabbed to identify the required information. Failure to submit this <br />information will render your proposal non-responsive. <br />1. QUALIFICATIONS OF THE FIRM <br />a. Provide a description and history of the firm focusing on previous governmental experience. <br />Only past experience as the prime contractor with local governments will be considered. <br />Personal qualifications of staff with past debris monitoring experience will not be considered <br />unless the services were part of the prime contract between the Proposer and the local <br />government. State and federal contracts that do not reflect direct contractual obligations to <br />perform services on behalf of the sub-grantee will not be considered to be past local <br />government experience. Firm qualifications must include, at minimum, the following: <br />• Recent experience demonstrating current capacity and current expertise in debris <br />removal, solid waste and hazardous waste management and disposal. <br />• .Documented knowledge and experience coordinating with Federal, State and Local <br />emergency agencies. <br />• .Experience representing local governments with various state and federal funding <br />sources and reimbursement processes, including FEMA, FHWA, and NRCS. <br />• .Experience with special disaster recovery program management services on public <br />property to include private property/right-of-entry (ROE) work when allowed or <br />directed by to do so by owner, waterways clean-up and reimbursement, leaning tree <br />and hanging limb removal, hazardous material removal, vessel and vehicle recovery, <br />asbestos abatement, data management, Debris Management Site (DMS) oversight, <br />debris burning to include curtain burning, and hauler invoice reconciliation and <br />contracting, and FEMA appeals assistance. <br />b. Provide at least five (5) references for which the firm has performed services within the <br />past three (3) years that are similar to the requirements in the Scope of Services. Three (3) <br />of the references shall be from local government entities for disaster debris monitoring <br />experience involving a minimum of 500,000 cubic yards of debris. Provide the reference <br />contact name, address, a-mail address, telephone numbers and date of the contract. <br />RFP 5167 -PAGE 4 OF 11 <br />