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2 <br />The addendum approved in June 2007 opened the hazardous waste program to qualifying <br />small businesses, non-profits, and local governments in Orange County for management and <br />disposal of hazardous waste with services paid for by the County. Since the inception of the <br />County-funded Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) program, the County <br />has received served more than 400 qualifying commercial generators and has managed more <br />than 170,000 Ibs of commercial hazardous waste that very likely would have been managed <br />inappropriately had this service not been available. <br />The addendum approved in June 2009 extended the agreement for an additional two years, <br />and in an effort to control program costs the addendum allowed for latex paint received by the <br />program that cannot be repurposed locally through the County's locally operated paint <br />exchange to be managed through Waste to Energy methods instead of requiring that the latex <br />paint be recycled. <br />This proposed addendum engages ECOFLO for an additional one-year extension through June <br />2012, and will serve as the last extension under the current agreement. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total projected cost of this agreement for FY 2011-2012 is $192,780. <br />This amount is included in the proposed Solid Waste Management Departmental Budget. The <br />addendum compensation and payment provisions maintain the same fixed price of $0.60 per <br />pound of residential and conditionally exempt small quantity generator commercial hazardous <br />waste as under the current agreement. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the Household <br />Hazardous Waste Agreement Addendum with ECOFLO Inc. and authorize the Chair to sign the <br />Agreement addendum. <br />