Orange County NC Website
14 <br />To what extent are the following items important for older adults in Orange County? <br />Availability of recreation, <br />Essential <br />O <br />Very important <br />O <br />Not sure /don't know <br />O <br />Not very important <br />O <br />Not important at all <br />O <br />leisure, and wellness <br />activities <br />Availability of housing <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />options <br />Cost of housing (e.g. <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />rent/mortgage, property <br />taxes) <br />Cost of living (e.g. utilities, <br />® <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />groceries, transportation <br />etc.) <br />Availability of healthcare <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />options <br />Lack of affordable long- <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />term care options <br />Lack of desirable long -term <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />care options <br />Cost of medical care and <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />kLJ <br />health - related expenses <br />Cost of prescriptions <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />Financial security <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />Concerns about safety and <br />increasing <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />0 <br />vulnerability as <br />you age <br />Adequate support for my <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />.. <br />O <br />(. <br />O <br />caregivers <br />Few opportunities to <br />0 <br />O <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />participate in the <br />community <br />Difficulty finding <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />transportation around the <br />county <br />Few opportunities for civic <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />engagement as an older <br />adult <br />Prefer not to answer <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />O <br />Other <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />0 <br />If other, please specify below <br />As a whole, do you believe Orange County is a good place to <br />grow old? <br />Excellent <br />Very good <br />Adequate <br />Poor <br />Not sure /don't know <br />Select one. 0 0 0 0 0 <br />Overall, what are the strengths or positive things about growing old in Orange County? <br />Overall, what are the barriers or challenges to growing old in Orange County? <br />