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John Link summarized the items that had not been discussed: innovation and efficiency, the waste <br />treatment management program, and assisting the overall assessment of space needs for the County <br />departments. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he could not support $45,000 for the Innovation and Efficiency <br />Committee work. He feels this work could be done in-house. Also, he does not think someone needs to be <br />hired to tell the County Commissioners about building space. He feels that the County needs to stop leasing <br />space in Hillsborough. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to complete the <br />innovation and efficiency project in-house and not hire a consultant for $75,000. <br />Commissioner Brown feels that there needs to be some secretarial help in this area of innovation and <br />efficiency. <br />John Link suggested getting interns to help on this project. <br />There was a friendly amendment to the motion that the Board is not in favor of allocating $75,000, but <br />they are in favor of coming back with some kind of a proposal about how to fund the necessary staff work in a <br />more economical manner. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Regarding the waste treatment program, Commissioner Jacobs suggested that the Board wait until a <br />program is adopted and also approach OWASA for funding of this position. <br />Chair Gordon would also like to think about this issue and have the staff bring it back to the June 15th <br />Budget Work Session. <br />Commissioner Carey suggested starting it in January and cutting this amount in half. <br />Chair Gordon reiterated those items which are outstanding that need to be brought back to the Budget <br />Work Session on June 15th. These items are listed below: <br />• Solid Waste Treatment Program <br />• One cent for capital and the CIP <br />• Outside agencies and non-departmental <br />• Fire departments if needed <br />• Follow up on earlier BOCC questions <br />• BOCC deliberations on Commissioner Jacobs' budget issues <br />• Consideration of $21,000 for the Commission for Women <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked that the County Manager get information on Freedom House who <br />requested $15,000. He would like to know why the Manager recommended that none of this be funded. He <br />would like to see the Historic Museum get an additional $2,000 for the Historic Commission making the total <br />$5,000 for the museum. On page 11-13, he asked if the County gets money from cable TV why do they have <br />to find $9,000 to fund telecasting the Board's meetings. Regarding the Employee Development item for <br />$35,000, he would like to know why there is a separate line item for this item. He asked about the Board of <br />County Commissioners' contingency and the need for $250,000 in that fund. He would also like to discuss <br />the student generation and impact fee reports at the June 15th Budget Work Session. <br />Commissioner Carey said that the Board needs to support the request from the Institute of <br />Government. He would like to include this in the budget. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the County's share of the land trust seed money to establish a <br />half-time position. He would be interested in contributing to this. <br />Commissioner Brown would like to know how long it is for and what it would accomplish. <br />Commissioner Jacobs also asked to discuss increasing the hours for the position in the Clerk's office <br />to % time or full-time to answer telephone calls. He asked about the new position in the County Manager's <br />office. <br />John Link explained this Assistant to the Manager position. This position will allow them to fully <br />address the solid waste issues and other things the County Manager's office is responsible for at this time. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about page 11-11 and said she thought that the staff was going to come <br />back with information on how the County could be associated with ownership of the YMCA and the American