Orange County NC Website
Red Cross buildings. If the County is going to contribute to the ownership of the building, she would <br />like to protect the investment of the taxpayers. <br />Commissioner Jacobs wants to try to fund these by matching - take the amount that is requested and <br />cut it in half for capital campaigns. This would encourage a sense of participation with the citizens that is not <br />present when the buildings are not owned. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis mentioned that the County used to own some property where the old <br />livestock market was in Hillsborough in the early 1940's. He said that no one is alive today who can explain <br />how the County lost the land. He feels that if public monies are going to be used to buy buildings by any <br />group, the Board needs to know what is going on and where the County's ownership is. He said that the <br />state has still not dealt with the issue of the land that was purchased with Orange County per-pupil allocation <br />dollars that went to charter schools. It is still unknown as to what would happen to this land if they ever went <br />out of business. He feels this is a tracking issue. <br />Regarding the capital campaigns, Commissioner Carey said he recalled the Board approving some <br />contributions to the daycare and the YMCA. <br />Chair Gordon made reference to a letter from the Board of Elections about an increase in the <br />compensation for election officials. She thinks this should be considered at the June 15th Budget Work <br />Session. She would also like to discuss the County's proposed allocation to the Chapel Hill Library and <br />Parks and Recreation on June 15th. She asked for a detailed agenda for the June 15th Budget Work Session. <br />Chair Gordon said that the Hebron issue is still alive, and she has been asked by Senator Kinnaird to <br />write a letter saying that the County has no position on this issue. <br />The Board agreed that the writing of this letter should be discussed further. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for June 15, 1999 at 7:30 <br />p.m. in the Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. <br />Alice M. Gordon, Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk