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property. They have had every opportunity to purchase this property for fifteen years. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he wanted to see this property put on the market and sold for the <br />best price. He feels that it could be worth much more than $3,000. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he would like to know if Chapel Hill is interested once and for all. <br />Commissioner Carey made a motion to approve option one which states: "If the Board were to <br />declare the property surplus and move forward with negotiation and sale of the property, then the County <br />would receive the price of the land, plus annual taxes paid on the residence and land." The motion died for <br />lack of a second. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis that a letter be <br />transmitted to the Mayor and Council of Chapel Hill asking them to respond by June 21, 1999 if they are <br />interested in purchasing this property. This letter will include asking them if they have an interest in <br />purchasing this property or if they would like to suggest other ways in which they could reimburse the County <br />for the value of the land. If an appraisal is necessary, the Town of Chapel Hill needs to cover the cost of that <br />appraisal. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. Employee Pay and Benefits Follow-up Report on 401(k) Plan <br />Personnel Director Elaine Holmes presented this item. She mentioned that on April 21, 1999 the <br />Board held a work session on employee compensation for 1999-2000. In that work session the Board <br />reviewed the proposed pay and benefits components for 1999-00 from its October 13, 1998 work session, <br />including the plan to implement a County 401 (k) Plan contribution effective July 1, 1999. At the May 11, <br />1999 Board work session, the Board received the updated, comprehensive report on the State 401(k) plan <br />and County contribution options for 1999-00 that the Board had requested in the April 21 employee pay and <br />benefits work session. Holmes mentioned that the three types of contributions that were being presented <br />were 1) an across-the-board contribution, 2) matching contribution, and 3) a combination of across-the-board <br />contribution and matching contribution. <br />In response to a question, Holmes said that she understood that at the April 21" meeting the Board had a <br />question as to whether they wanted to make an across-the board contribution or a match. At the October <br />work session, staff was left with the understanding that the contribution would be across-the-board. She <br />understood that this was one issue that the Board wanted to revisit. The second question concerned the <br />amount of the contribution and whether the Board felt that $15.00 was the appropriate amount. Her <br />recollection from the October work session was that the Board had selected the $15.00 amount because as a <br />flat dollar amount it gives a higher relative percentage contribution to the lower salaried employee. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he supports the decision that was made at the October work <br />session to contribute $15.00, as a non-matching contribution, to the 401 K of every County employee. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked that a letter be sent to the OPC Mental Health and the ABC Board <br />encouraging them to look at offering this as an employee benefit. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Brown to confirm the <br />decision made at the October 13, 1998 meeting. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />f. 1999-2000 Landfill Fund Budget <br />John Link presented for the Board's review the proposed budget for the Landfill Enterprise Fund <br />for FY 1999-2000. He stated that the Landfill Owners Group (LOG} met on May 6 and voted unanimously to <br />support the 1999-2000 budget as presented (without any of the potential program/service additions) with the <br />stipulation that funding for the landfill community benefits will be addressed during 1999-2000 budget <br />deliberations. He mentioned that the Board did not need to take action at this meeting, however they will <br />need to consider giving approval at an upcoming meeting. The proposed Landfill Fund budget includes an <br />increase in the tipping fee from $38/ton to $39/ton for mixed solid waste. This budget is intended to continue <br />the current level of service. He referred to the Budget Request - Summary on page six which indicates that <br />no allowance has been made in the 1999100 budget for costs associated with reorganization. However, the <br />fund balance position is strong and costs associated with the transfer could be handled by a budget