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which are critical to the success of the value engineering process, including the desired outcomes, the <br />process whereby value engineering would be carried out and new methods of resource management in <br />anticipation of the savings value engineering would yield to construction projects. She reviewed the desired <br />outcomes of the project, the scope of the work and how differences of opinion would be handled. This <br />information, in its entirety, is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office. Jones then reviewed the <br />current system for approving Capital Projects and the proposed value engineering system. The new system <br />would have the Board of County Commissioners consider and budget for a project in stages, rather than all at <br />one time. For example, the components might be 1) land purchase, 2) planning and design, 3) construction <br />cost, and then 4) technology, up-fit costs for the school. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis expressed his support for this proposal. He stated that he hopes that all <br />disagreements could be settled at the County Manager level and not reach the County Commissioners. He <br />also suggested that the money saved from these projects be put in a fund to be allocated by the Board of <br />County Commissioners for future Capital Projects. He volunteered to serve on the selection committee <br />Commissioner Jacobs complimented staff on their work. Although there will probably be <br />differences of opinions occasionally, he voiced confidence in the County Manager's abilities to mediate these <br />disagreements. He also volunteered to serve on the selection committee, and suggested that after a trial <br />period of using this value engineer that they be considered for a staff position as opposed to contracting with <br />the County. <br />Commissioner Brown also volunteered to serve on this committee. <br />In response to a question, Pam Jones suggested that a policy statement could be drafted <br />articulating what the Board wants to see happen with these projects. This statement could include, among <br />other issues, the issue of aesthetics and energy efficiency. <br />John Link mentioned that this does not eliminate the Capital Improvements Plan. In that Plan <br />there is an estimated amount for each project. It is only when the process is actually started that the amount <br />per major function are determined. He anticipates that some of the major savings would come from areas <br />that traditionally the County has not been exposed to. For example, how much structural steel will be used, or <br />how the building's mechanical components are designed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve <br />the implementation steps contained in the abstract, designate two members of the Board of County <br />Commissioners to serve on the selection committee and to direct staff to present a report within one year <br />after implementation analyzing whether or not the $100,000 threshold is effective and whether this project <br />should be out-sourced or become a staff position. The three commissioners who volunteered to serve will <br />decide among themselves which two commissioners should serve on the selection committee. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Disposition of County Property on Markham Drive <br />The Board considered the disposition of County property on Markham Drive in the Clark Hills <br />Subdivision in Chapel Hill. The manager mentioned that the disposition of this property was entirely within <br />the discretion of the Board of Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis referred to a letter from Mayor Waldorf requesting that Orange County <br />give this lot to the Town of Chapel Hill. He asked if they really wanted this lot. <br />Commissioner Carey stated that he is not sure that Chapel Hill really needs this lot and he felt it <br />should be sold to the highest bidder. <br />Commissioner Jacobs proposed that the Chair write a letter to the Mayor of Chapel Hill asking if <br />they would like to purchase this property. <br />Mr. Dolfi stated that the Town of Chapel Hill does not want to purchase this property. Chapel Hill <br />has had fifteen years in which to purchase this property and has not done so. The Town has also stated <br />publicly that this piece of property would have no impact on the Chapel Hill greenway system. Mr. Dolfi would <br />like to build a modest home on this property and return this property to the tax rolls. <br />Commissioner Brown said that this is not a piece of property conducive to building upon. The <br />public is using this property as a trail and an access point to the greenway system. She stated that Chapel <br />Hill expressed a strong desire to have this piece of property. The Parks Task Force have made a <br />commitment to purchase green space. She requested that a letter be written to Chapel Hill asking them to <br />either pay the $3,000 or deduct it from their allocation from the County for parks. <br />Ms. Karen Dolfi said that the Mayor indicated to her that the Town of Chapel Hill did not want this