Orange County NC Website
~` ~-T=°. ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS OF THE CAROLINAS, INC. <br />:~;_ 121 E. First Street, Clayton, NC 27520 <br />(919) 553-9007 fag (919) 553-9077 <br />11 May 2011 <br />.'~_ <br />ti <br />Mr. Jeff Thompson RECD MAY 12 <br />Orange County Government Z Q <br />131 W. Margaret Street <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />RE: Carrboro Library Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation Cost Proposal Letter (RFP #5170) <br />Dear Jeff, <br />Please accept this letter as Archaeological Consultants of the Carolinas, Inc.'s (ACC) Cost Proposal Summary <br />for the Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation of the Carrboro Library Tract. In brief, our investigation will <br />be divided into four (4) primary tasks: Background Review, Field Investigations, Laboratory Analyses (if <br />needed), and Report Preparation. <br />Background Review will Include reviewing relevant cultural resources information on file in Raleigh at the <br />Office of State Archaeology and the NC Department of Archives and History to determine what if any cultural <br />resources are previously recorded in the vicinity of the project tract. In addition, the Orange County GIS data <br />base for historic resources will be examined. <br />Field Investigations will include a thorough examination of the tract to determine if any archaeological sites <br />are present. We will use procedures based on state and federal standards and guidelines, including the use of <br />subsurface examinations consisting of systematic shovel testing. <br />Laboratory Analyses focuses on the cleaning and identification of all artifacts recovered during the <br />investigation, if any. These data are necessary to provide adequate information for providing preliminary <br />NRHP eligibility recommendations for any identified archaeological sites. The artifacts will be prepared <br />following federal standards. North Carolina Archaeological Site Forms will be completed and submitted to <br />the office of State Archaeology as part of the Laboratory Analyses. <br />Report Preparation will produce a document that describes the activities undertaken and the results <br />of these investigations. Archaeological sites encountered during the survey will be shown on project maps and <br />described individually; site descriptions will include individual site plans. Using data compiled during <br />Background Review, Field Investigations, and Laboratory Analyses, sites will be classified as eligible, <br />unassessed and requiring additional evaluation, or ineligible for the NRHP, and preliminary management and/or <br />additional investigation recommendations will be provided. Copies of the draft report will be submitted to your <br />office for review. Review comments will be incorporated in a final report. Completion of these tasks will <br />result in documentation adequate to meet SHPO requirements for compliance with all relevant federal cultural <br />resources legislation and guidelines (e.g., NEPA, NHPA, 36 CFR part 800) and will comply with any Carrboro <br />ordinances related to cultural resources. <br />The total maximum not to exceed cost for this project is $3,422.50. A detailed spreadsheet is available if <br />requested. <br />S' <br />~t....~ <br />obb ou er m <br />