Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD of COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 20, 201 <br />Action g e d a <br />Item No. 1 & 2 <br />SUBJECT,, Y201 - 2 Bud ..Work Session <br />DEPARTMENT: County Manager and Financial PUBLIC HEARING: (YIN) No <br />Services <br />ATTACHMENTS ): <br />1. forth Carolina Association of County <br />Commissioners — FY 2010 -11 Budget <br />and Tax S u rey 1 <br />2. Durham Technical Community <br />College: Orange County Operations. <br />Year i n Review 2010 - <br />3. Line item Detail for General Fund <br />and Other Funds <br />INFORMATION CONTACT. <br />Frank Clifton, 919 245 -2300 <br />Clarence Grier, (9 19) 245 -2453 <br />PU POSE, For the Board to have an opportunity to review and discuss the Durham Technical <br />Community College, Chapel Hill -Carrl oro City Schools and Orange County schools Districts <br />xY20 -12 Budgets, County departmental budgets, including any fee schedule charge <br />requests. <br />BACKGROUND: The County Manager released the Y2 1 -12 recommended budget on is 17# <br />2011. since that time, the Board would have conducted two public bearings to receive residents' <br />comments regarding the proposed funding plan. Tonight's work session is the first opportunity the <br />Board has had to discuss next year's proposed funding plan in regards to funding for Durham <br />Technical Community College, the School Districts, proposed tee schedule changes, and begin <br />discussion with County departments. The Manager attained the following Board directed guidelines: <br />County's operating budget was balanc6d without an increase in the property tax rate. The <br />current property tax rate is 85.8 cents per $100 assessed valuation. <br />The funding provided to the local school Districts to fund day -to -day operations, fair funding, <br />repayment of school related debt, and capital equals 47.1% of the County's Y2 1 -12 <br />Recommended General Fund Budget. <br />