Orange County NC Website
r + <br /> i } <br /> other County employees, The County and C hap e l Hill will develop a <br /> detailed o ed le compa-ring the total pre-trarisfer and past-transfer <br /> compensation for each System Employee, Chapel Hill will send a copy o <br /> the -completed schedule to Carrboxo,. <br /> em The County will acquire alb. �a. , title <br /> axed interest to all Exigting, Syotem Assets, Title to the Greene Tract, <br /> however, shall not be conveyed o the County pur;suant to thi8 <br /> paragraph; part s 18 and shall be the only portion of this Agreement <br /> affecting the state o the title to . he Greene act <br /> . <br /> stem liabilities.k The Counter will assume all <br /> liabilities, including envi co men al .ja +i it:Les, related to the <br /> o me s] i of the system, including, to the extent permitted y law, <br /> all liabilities rela ed to the of- e s ip of Ex_i inqsystem Assets <br /> which have accrued or which may aocr o pr.i 3 ,ro the Transfer Date. <br /> k r <br /> The Parties, howeverr shall retain t4eir individual liability, <br /> underif any, environmental lawo and otlierwise, related to their <br /> re pective use of the System `both before and after the Transfer Date <br /> as, fQr p exam e, a liability arising !;�:omtheir del i e i , Or <br /> causingo e delivered, Solid Waste o Sy em Management <br /> The PartieO acknowledge that the County#s assumption of liabilities a <br /> des <br /> o i ed in the preceding paragraph shall not limit, and is not <br /> e de o tI the a i l s o are governmental a o i y o <br /> intiTnpose, pr to seek to impose., environmental or ogler liability <br /> di `ecQLy on a Park (as, for example, any . a ility acertiing to the <br /> current owe o e Existing <br /> Assets as a result o thee- <br /> status a owners prior o the Transfer Date) . e ourn r will not <br /> s e and this eem n does not assume, any .r e ec s o <br /> Carrboro or Chapel Hill. <br /> Acgl1ire propertr The County shall acquire, al and personal . <br /> erg a i deemsappropriatefor System purposes. There shall e . <br /> property no restrictions ' acquisitiono additional acreage a <br /> � r s o the� Cou t <br /> the• existing landfill. The County states it8 curre . intention not to <br /> acquire acquireal aid its recommendation that future Coianty Governing Boards <br /> not acquire, any of the properties known as the Blackvood and NUM <br /> properties fox- Sy�tem purposes, <br /> Provide for cMRliance with law. The County will comp . ', Or <br /> cause there to be compliance, with all applicable laws, orders, rules, <br /> regulations and requirements of any governmental authority relating to <br /> the System, The County will also be generallyspo si e for aol id <br /> waste reporting, planning, regulatory compliariceand similar matters- <br /> Nothjr i hIs Agreement, however, shall prevent the Comoty from <br /> contesting in good faith the appli a ilitY or validity of ally such law <br /> or other requirement, so long as the County's failure to complY with <br /> the same duriiig the period of such contest will not materially impair <br /> the System's opera .io o evenue-producing capa y.liter, <br /> f <br /> i <br /> i <br /> # i <br />