Orange County NC Website
Attachments g67 <br />~AN~ USA AND UNI~I~D DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) <br />AM€NDMENT OUTLINE <br /> <br />~a. ~~n~c~~~n~~~ ~o~t~ m v~~ious c~~~~o~e~s <br />1. Land Use and/or Zoning (Map and/or 1"ex~) <br />~.,~ hand Use Text <br />~.Fb hand Use ~iap ~l`~o~n, Tot <br />r <br />~..c ~oningText Office ln~tltutianal Oi fan ua a and ~tandardshan ~ <br />rLad ~V[ 1~~1-y FYI~Ap ~~i ~FiF F ~*" ! <br />~! UDO De~elapmen~ standards ~ <br />~~ UDO Develamen~Approval Processes <br />~.~ UDO Minor Text change _ ~ - _-- <br /> <br />~ Pur ose ~ss~an <br />To revie~u Piar~ning Director initiated amendments to certain sections afthe Unified <br />Development Ordinance related to the Office ~ Institutional {DID tuning district ar~d <br />other related sectians~ Specifically, the #allovuing sections of the Unified <br />Develapment Ordinance text are proposed for amendrnent: <br />~ Section .~4 ~ General omr~ercial Districts {Office ~ Inst~tutianal~ <br />~ Section ~~ ~ Table of Permitted Uses ~Ol District only} <br />~ Article ~.~ ~Definitions~-`Open space Ratio' and `RecreatianSpace Ratio' <br />~ol~owing adoption of the Unified Developrnent Ordinance ~uDO~ an April 5, ~o~.., <br />Planning staff began revie of existing regulations and their appiication to future <br />development praposalst It vas deterrnined that several of the standards applicable <br />to many of the current coning districts overlapped, and in some instances mere <br />onerous and limited development potential in districts intended for economic <br />deveiopment~ In addition, there aro inconsistencies in tern~inoiogy Within the UDO, <br />as Drell a betv~een the UDO and the ~~~ comprehensive Plan. `rho proposed <br />amendments to the UDO are intended to create more reasonable and effective <br />development standards far the Office~ir~stitutianal ~~ll~ caning district, as ~ve~l as fix <br />the inconsistencies inthe text. <br />~ ,~n~ a <br />As required under Section x.8.5 afthe Unified Develapment Ordina~~ce, the Planni~~g Director <br />is required to: 'case are ana~ys~s to be made of ~~e applr'ca~ron and, based ~~o~~ t~a~ ar~a~ys~s, <br />pre~a-+~r t~ recommenda~~ar~ for ca~srderat~orr ~y the Plaar~#t~ hoard ar~d ~~re Baar~d o~ Coarr~y <br />Wage ~ o <br />