Orange County NC Website
X45 <br />LAND U5~,4ND UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) <br />AMENDMENT OUTLINE <br />~~~a <br />A, AM~~M~T Ti ~` ~A~iU ~AT~~i~ <br />1. Land Use and/or Zoning (Map and/or Textj <br />~.~ hand Use Te~~ <br />1~h hand Use Map ~6~acre <br />From; A~r~cul~ural ~~s~der~t~~l [R,~ <br />-- <br />To; ~.~~Year Transition ~~ee Map- Area C} <br />1~c ~onin~ Text <br />~.,~ honing Mai ~Frorn' <br />~. UDC Develo~n~ent tar~dard~ <br />. UDC peveiopn~ent Ap~ravai Proce~es <br />~.~ U~ MinorTe~ct Changes <br />~~ ~A~'~~A~~ <br />~ Purpo~e~Mi~~ion, <br />To; <br />[r~ accordance vuith the provisions a~ e~tion 2~ on~prehens~ve Plan <br />Amendrents of the Unified ~eve~opment ~rdinnce, the Planning <br />Director has initiated ~ amendment ~o the Land IJse ~iement Map <br />faceted Within Chapter ~: Land Use element o~the C~n~prehensive P[an, <br />The purpose a~ the an~endrent is to implement a recar~mendation <br />included in the County's adapted ~~i~nd-Mebane mall Area Plen, Which <br />Dili prepare area near the ~uc~harn ~conaric Development district <br />~~DD} for public u~ater and seer in~restructure and economic <br />deveioprnent. This amendrr-ent is cansistnt~vith the vllater and euuer <br />Management} Planning and ~oundaryAgreement. IAMP~A} <br />The proposed Land Use ~lernent Map amendment is ~ppro~irr~ately ~ ~- <br />acres atthe southern end o~aines Chapel ~d to be changed dram <br />Agricultural Residential to ~~~Yer Transition. <br />Corn rohensive Plan ~.inl~a a i.e. Princi lc oal~ and ~h'ective <br />Land Use ~vererching Baal: Ca~rdinatiar~ a~ the rnaun~~ loca~ian, <br />pattern and designation o~ future land uses, pith availability o County <br />services ar~d ~ecilit[es su~ticient to meet the needs o~ grange County's <br />population end econor~y consistentith other Connprehensi~e Pl~r~ <br />element goals and objectives. <br />~b~eciv LU~~~. establish consistency bet~e~n the Lar7d Use Plan and <br />the vl~ater and ~~r;~~~. Mnager~ent Planning ~~~~~~ boundary Agreement <br />~~~e ~ ~~ ~ <br />