Orange County NC Website
Attachment 3 353 <br />1vl a~ ~, 0 ~ ~ <br />~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ <br />~~ ~p~~ni~ ~~~ ~ hand ~~rn~ ~~ndn~ <br />w~e~~~ ~i~il ~~~ <br />Dear Proper owner; <br />This le~~er is fio no~i~'~~ou o~n upconning public hearing pertaining ~~ ~ proposed boo <br />comprehensive Plan land Use ~len~en~ Iap change ~ha~ ~~~ your proper~}~, This <br />no~i~ica~ion is occurring in accordance with the provisions o~ec~ion or~prehensive <br />Pfan An~enden~s o~~he Unified Developnnen~ ordinance. <br />Band Use ~ler~en~ Ia an~endren~s are noessar~ as ~ollow~up ~o Upper ono <br />v~a~erhed ri~ical area ar~endnnen~s ~hafi occurred in June ~0~ ~. The purpose o~ the <br />a~nendn~en~s i ~o apPl~ appropriate land use classi~ic~ions in areas ~ha~were removed <br />Irv the ri~ical area when ids bounda was ad~us~ed~ This proposal is afso cor~si~en~ <br />with the adopted ~~IandllUfeane Small Area Plan, which was cornmuni~~ and elected <br />official ef~or~~ <br />The proposed Land Use ~ler~en~ flap arendmen~ expands the or~r~ercial,fndu~riaf <br />Transition Ac~ivi~ Node fend use oa~egvr~ ~o an approxia'~ely ~ ~ 8-acre area curren~f <br />cf~ssified as Agricul~uraf Residential ar~d generally bounded by I~, wifling Rd,, <br />Southern Drive f-I~1S-7o onnec~or, and In~ers~a~es ~1~0 fee f1~ap ~~ s~~}9}. <br />This fend use ca~eor~ could allow a Unix o~ office, re~aif, light industrial, and lirni~ed <br />residen~iaf. <br />~r~~~i~~~r~~~~if T~n~~~on ~~vi~~ ~r~d u a~eryA This action, i~ <br />approved by~h Board o~oun~ on~~nissioners€ would creme ~u~ure rezoning <br />pa~en~ial ~ronn a low~densi~~ residential dis~ric~o non-residen~iaf and higher density <br />residential dis~ric~s. This action does nod aec~ the present use o~your proper~~ and ids <br />coning. <br />The grange oun~y Board ofi ornr~isioners and Planning hoard will hold a ~o~n~ <br />~~1~ ~~~~ on the proposed changes on l~nda~ ~ ~ ~~~ a~7;o0 p.m. ~ <br />the Depar~r~en~ o~ Sociaf services foca~ed a~ ~ ~ 3 la~o ~ree~ Hillsborough ornnlons <br />shopping ender} in Hillsborough} lVo~h Carolina. 1n~eres~ed persons are invited ~o <br />