Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />d, ether <br />d. Sr~a[l Area Plan warkgraup <br />~. FISCAL i I PAST <br />~~pendi~ures for phi proje~c~ have been paid using ~epar~n~en~ai fund <br />budgeted ~~r the specific ac~[vi~~~ ~xpendi~ures inciude: <br />~ f~ea! Ad. ~8~ This i~er's pardon o~ iegaf ad expense} <br />~ signs: ~G <br />~ i~o~ii'ic~ion fevers end pos~~erds ~pos~age and u~piie}: ~~ <br />~xl~in Pfanning ~~ included in the f~eparfin~en~~! s~~~~ing budge4 <br />aocor~ fished fhe word re aired ~o races phis arnendr~en~. <br />D¢ Ai~~VDI~f~~ II~iP~IATi <br />This amendmentwill provide consistencybetween t}~e County's land Use Plan and waterand <br />Sewer Management Planning and BaundaryAgreement, swell as provide appropriate land use <br />classi~ication~ in areasthatwere removed 'ram the CriticalArea when its baundarywas <br />adjusted ~n~une ~~~.aR <br />Aga! ~~~ <br />As required under Section x,3,9 0~ the grange bounty Unified Develapn~ent ordinance, the <br />Planning Director is required to: 'cause an arra~ys~s ~o b~ aa~e o~ ~~e ap~a~~ca~~or~ ar~~, based upon <br />~a~ ar~arys~s, ~r~~are a recoen~a~r'on for cor~sidera~r'ar~ ~y ~~e P~ar~r~in Ba~r~ ar~d the 8va~r~ o~ <br />C'oun~ya~rr~issiar~er', In analy~ingthis proposal, the ~o!lowingin~ormatian iso~~ered: <br />1, ta~f hay been authari~ed bythe ~aard o~County Cor~rr~is~ianers to pursue small area plan <br />implementation with a focus on economic development priorities. This proposed Land Use <br />Element IUIap amendment can~arms to the intent o the adapted ~~land-IVlebane Small Area <br />Plan which recommends evacuation a~the Upper Eno watershed Critical Area and <br />amendr~ent to the water and Surer fVlanagement, Planning and ~aundary Agreement <br />~wAfPBA~. <br />~, This amendment is cansistentwith land use and housing ab~ectiveso~the Comprehensive <br />Plan, <br />Thy requestorthe amendment has been deemed car~plete in accordance with the <br />requirements a~Section ~.~, o~the Unified Devefapr~ent ordinance, <br />4. The properties subject to this amendment are currently located within the Agricultural <br />residential land use category as denoted on the Land Use Element IUfap o~ the <br />Comprehensive Plan and proposed ~'or ~.U#YearTransition ciassi~icatior~. <br />~ag~ ~ ~i <br />