Orange County NC Website
or threats of violence against any citizen; and, <br />WHEREAS, violation of the limit of free speech is ultimately destructive to the democratic process; <br />and, <br />WHEREAS, we, the elected and appointed officials of (--)range County will set examples for the <br />population at large in pursuit of these democratic principles. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we adhere to the principles outlined above, agree <br />to abide by them, and call on all citizens of Orange County to conduct themselves in accordance <br />herewith. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br />6. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a. Proposed NCDOT 1999-2000 Secondary Road Improvements Program <br />This item was presented for the purpose of receiving citizen comment on the proposed North <br />Carolina Department of Transportation 1999-2000 Secondary Road Improvement Program. <br />Mike Mills, Division Maintenance Engineer, introduced Chuck Edwards, the Orange County <br />Maintenance Engineer and Tommy Dyer, District Engineer for Alamance and Orange County. He indicated <br />that the 1999-2000 secondary road allocation is anticipated at $1,398,626. He noted that this would allocate <br />the remainder of the secondary bond fund. He then reviewed the items listed on the Road Improvement <br />Program which were included in the agenda item. <br />Billy Morgan, a resident of Hatch Road, stated that Hatch Road is a dead-end road which is 3110 <br />of a mile long. There are 10 houses located on this road and it is used by many cars and trucks each day. <br />The road is very narrow and is being used by trucks going to and from a warehouse on that road. He asked <br />that this road be paved as soon as possible. He also mentioned that his wife and neighbor both have health <br />problems and the dust bothers them. He was informed by Mike Mills that the road will be paved next <br />summer or early fall. <br />Mr. Mills indicated that this years program is scheduled to be completed in late summer or early <br />fall of the year 2000. <br />Grady Fullerton, a resident of Hatch Road, spoke in support of paving this road. <br />Darrell Stephenson, a resident of a new community off of High Rock Road, asked that High Rock <br />Road be moved up on the priority list. He said that many new developments have been added in the last <br />several years and the road is dangerous because of the increase in traffic. He understands that the right-of- <br />way issue has been resolved. <br />Commissioner Brown asked Mr. Mills if he could share any information about why someone is - <br />cutting out chucks of pavement on Old 86 and Smith Level Road and re-paving that portion. <br />Mr. Mills said that Old 86 is on the resurfacing program to be completed sometime this year. Prior <br />to resurfacing any area that has failed or is distressed certain portions must be dug out and filled in with a <br />full-depth of asphalt. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the Turkey Farm Road residents who were opposed to paving their <br />road had changed their minds. He also asked about a safety hazard on Jones Ferry Road west of University <br />Lake. He said that there have been times when the road is wet or icy and motorists have slid off the portion <br />O:U9990504A.a