Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />Land use ~~erarching foal: oerdir~a~~or~ of ~~e arr~o~r~~, localior~, ~al~erfr, anal <br />deirra~~on of fc~~ure 1arr~ ue, v~lff~ ava~l~t~ffy of ours€y ser~~ce at~d fac~li~ie <br />~ffrrclanf ~o reel ~f~e r~aaal of rare our~~y' ~opufar"ors ar~af ecar~of~y <br />c~rris~er~l ~fh other ~or~pre~err~ve P1r~ alar~er~~ goals anal o~jec~~ve. <br />b. Land Use foal ~: ~a~d ~a Thal are a~propriale ~o or~~~fe er~vi~errr~er~~af <br />co~i~ia~s r~~ features a~~ Thal ~ro~ec~ r~alura~ resource, c~llura~ rao~rca, aid <br />arnru~ily cf~arac~er# <br />i Land use foal A varre~y of larr~ use lha~ are cooral~rralo ~~hln a ~ro~rar~ <br />are a~~orn fha~ l~r~l~ pra~vl, preserves cor~r~ur~lfy anal rural ~harac~er, rrxir~lrl~es <br />hand use cor~fl~c~s, su~porle~ ~ are efftcierr~ ar~d,~alar~ce~ ~rarrp~rla~~or~ s~~err~. <br />I!lo~i~ication ~ uiren~ents: der ec~ions x,7.5 ~a~ and ~b~ o~ the UDC} staff hay caused a notice <br />o~ phis hearing to be published: `a least l~~ce ~~ r~e~vs~a~er of ~uhllc ~rculallor~ !rr the our~~~ <br />~vr ~~ ~~} successive ~veel~s: ` rre less fhar~ lei ~9g~ a~a~s nor ire ll~ar~ ~~ver~l~r~five ~~ a~ays' <br />be~or the public hearing. The legal ad vas pubiished v~ithin the ~ollo~ving pubiication on the <br />folloing dates. <br />Nuys o~ ~r~n~e ha el I--dili herald <br />My~~,0~~ May~~,o~~ <br />May ~ 8, ~o~ ~ May ~ ~, ~0~ ~ <br />In accordance pith Section x.7.5 ~c} o~ the UDC staff posted a sign on the property providing a <br />notice o~ the dale, ~ir~e, and ioca~ion o~ the public hearinr This notice eras posted on May ~, <br />D~ `i . <br />tai also enfi u~ri~~en notice by cer~i~ied mail to all adjacent property oners located Within 500 <br />feet of the subject property a required by Section x.7.5 ~d}. This notice vuas scat on May ~, <br />~0~ ~ see A~~achment ~}, <br />~I~ ~T# This request has been re~rieu~ed by various County departments rho <br />have determined that rho approvai or denial o~ the request could not create the need for <br />additional funding ~orthe provision o~County services. <br />~~I~I~T~~~a The Planning director rcomrnends thatthe Soard: <br />r I~eCe1~;./ ~I~e application, <br />~. Conduct tl~e I'ubllc Hearing, <br />. Receive any and all camr~ents on the proposal, <br />4. Refer the amendment pacl~age ~~ the Pianning ward for ids recor~rnend~ion Frith a <br />request that a recor~mendation b returned in tune for the uu ~ ~~~ ~ regular <br />~~ r~eeting, and <br />. Adjourn the public hearing to eau ~, ~~ in order to receive the Planning hoard <br />recon~mend~ior~a <br />