Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />The applicant utiriii be required fo adhere fo any permitting conditions imposed by ~l~~oT. <br /> <br />The UDC requires f hat the property have access from an existing public road and that such <br />access be in compliance pith any and all public read access management plan adopted by <br />grange bounty. <br />~r~~ A previously indicated, old N ~ 0 is a state Maintained Road classified a a <br />Major Arterial by grange ounfy~ The applicant is proposing ~o have vehicular ingress and <br />egress From old N ~ ~ ~a access the property <br />'~1. o~~i~r~a~ any; <br />der section ~..4 ~a} ~} fin} of the ~D the ~ollov~in additional standards are required as part <br />of the SUS revie~r~ <br />i, for non-charter public schools, the minimum lot sire shall be as required by f he <br />school Construction standards adopted from time to time b the hoard ~~ ounfy <br />Commissioners, the grange bounty board of ducafion and the Chapel Hill~arrboro <br />board of ~d ucation. <br />ii, I~or all schooEs, the lot sire shall be adequate to accor~n~odafe alE activities, The <br />proposed methods fo handle fihe rnaximun~ nun~hero~participants and patrons for any <br />single event shall be provided chile also adhering to safe vehicular and pedestrian <br />circulation, <br />rya tai believes the lot is of sufficient sire to accor~modate the <br />proposed project. The applicant is not proposing outdoor activities that ~rould <br />normally generate high traffic volumes {i.e. sports events} and the proposed ~na~imum <br />cap o~ ~ pupils gill reduce access dennand to the property. <br />iii- Negative visual innpacts shall be ~ninirni~ed along any major roadvuay, NegatEve visual <br />irnpacfs include, but are not lirnified to} IoadinglunEoading areas, delivery areas, air <br />handling unify proof fop and other}, parking areas for machinery and storage <br />buildingsi Appropriate screening methods shall be used to enhance the aesthetic <br />value of a project <br />~ ~r~r~~~ As the proposal does not call for the clearing of existing vegetation, <br />staff is satisfied thatthe applicant can adhere to Phis requirement. <br />iv. Transportation improvements as deemed necessary by the Traffic Impact Analysis. <br />~~~f r~~: As previously indicated a formal Traffic impact Analysis is not <br />required forthis project <br />staff has required the applicant to submit the life plan to the NC~T for revie. <br />NCD~T is in the process of rvleu~in and issuing a drivev~ay permit That gill identify <br />any and all on~off~site improvements necessary to address trafficflo~v concerns. <br />The applicant v~ill be required to adhere to any permitting conditions imposed by <br />NCI~~T, <br />