Orange County NC Website
zsz <br />size andlor species, and i%e s~a~us and source of ff~e inforrnaiion capl~ed r'n i~a <br />inventory' <br />off `~-~re~~: This pro~ec~ does nod involve the clearing of proper~~ ar the cons~ruc~ion of <br />nee huildins~ The school vuill he housed ifhin the e~i~ing church facili~}~. The Planning <br />Depar~r~en~ and the Depr~men~ of ~nvironrr~en~, Agriculture, Parlcs, and I~ecreaion ~D~APR} <br />~a~f has revieed the proposaf and de~erined had Phis project gill have no significant impact <br />~o anin~allplan~ species on the pr~per~y or existing habi~a~ area uurran~in special consideration <br />or pro~ec~ion hasecl on inforr~a~ion contained within the inven%r~o~l~ai~ralAreas and ll~ildli~e <br />~fa~i~ais for ~ran~e ~oun~y ~1or~~ aralina see A~~a~hr~~n for n~eo from D~AP~ spa <br />I~~. ~n~i~ and ~~~r~n4 <br />The U~~ requires the suhrnission of a landscape plan oufinfng fhe locations of existing <br />vege~aion, areas propased for preserva~ian, as ~vell ~ pfan~s and rna~erials for proposed <br />planing areas. <br />~rn~: The landscaping end buffering infarr~a~ion is contained v~i~hin the appfica~ion <br />package denotes ~ha aff existing vege~a~ed areas will be preserved in their na~uraf s~a~e~ <br />The landscaping and I~ufferin plan appears ~o be cor~sis~en~ ~ri~h the requirernen~s of the <br />ordinance. <br />I~ rae~ In~nr~nl~~ir ~ ~r~~~n ~~r~4 <br />The applicant has indicated ~ha~ there will be no additional grading on the proper and ~ha~ <br />e~cis~ing s~ormwater n~anagemen~ ~vill he handled utilizing existing ~acili~ies. <br />~ r~e~~~ if rho SUP is approved, a condition o~ approval should be ~ha~ the existing <br />sfiorr~uva~er management s~~ems u~ill be re-evaluated h~ grange oun~y erosion ~on~rol and <br />~ha~ all necessary n~odifica~ion shelf be nude in accordance v~i~h local ar~d ~a~e regula~ions~ <br />a T~~f i ern pack: <br />The UDC requires ~ha~ a Traffic Impact Anaf~i ~TIA~ be con~ple~ed in accordance ~vi~h the <br />provisions of fhe ~~. The purpose of the TIA i ~o identify and and ail traffic in~provemenfs <br />fha~ uvill be necessary fo suppor~fhe developmenf of~he proposed fend use, <br />~ rr~~: old N ~ 0 ASR ~ ~ a~ is a fade Iin~ained load classified as `Major <br />Arterial' road~va by grange oun~y, The an~icipa~ed traffic (rips generafed by fhe prapased <br />schaof life has been e~imafed of approxin~a~eiy forty ~q~p} gips per da}~. <br />In accordance vui~h ec~ion . ~ ~ of the UDC, a formal TlA is nod r~q~ired far phis project as the <br />es~in~a~ed traffic generated by fhe prapased developr~en~ gill not exceed efghf hundred {8D~} <br />gips per day. <br />Pfaff has required the appfican~ fo uhmi~ fhe side plan ~a the Noah Carolina ~epar~rnen~ of <br />Tranpor~a~ion ~fVD~T} for reviev~. NDDT is in the process of re~ie~ving and issurr-g a <br />drivev~ay I.~err~if ~ha will ider~fify any and all onlof~ side irnp~4ovemenf~ necessary ~o adc~~~es <br />~rafflc flog ~of~cern. <br />