Orange County NC Website
250 <br />c. ~~n~n ~~' ~arc~~; Ruraf Rsiden~iaf ~Rµ~ } <br />d. T~~nf~~p: ono <br />~. Land Use ~~~n dap ~L~~~ ~ein~l~n: ~ g-year <br />Transition <br />~. r~wth amm~t ~ ia~na~~~n: Urban <br />g. ~~~~~~ ondl~i~nl~hicl F~a~~~ The proper#y is <br />heavii ~uooded on the nar~hern and eastern boundary lines Zvi#h <br />railing topography ~o the north o~ the e~is~ing church s~ruc#ure. <br />h. ad: Vehicular access ~o the parcel is ~hraugh an existing <br />driveuvay onto ~Id N~ 1 g ~~ ~ 7~ ~~. The proposed school ~viil <br />u#ili~e the sane access point. <br />Surroundin Land iJse. R~~: Singie-ramify residen~ia! i~h R~~ zoning <br />b. ~~~; Oid i~ ~~ and Singie~~aii~ residen~iai u~i#h R-~ coning <br />~. ~A~: Single-~an~ify reslden#ial Zvi#h ~~ coning <br />d. ~T: Laurence Road and Single-ramify residers#ial ~ui~h R~~ <br />honing <br />Pro osai: The applicant is proposing ~o develop a school for use by conrega~'ron members and the <br />general publio providing educational services ~o children ranging from fio ~~ years ~~ age uvi#h ~ <br />proposed r~aximur~ capacity o~ ~~ s~uden~s. School ~unc~ionslac#ivi~ies uvfl! be held Zvi#hin e~is~ing <br />roams o~ the church ~acili#y. S~uden~ uvif! u~ili~e an exis#ing p!a}~round ~acifi#y on the churoh <br />propel for recrea#ianal ac~ivi~ies~ According #o the applicant #here are no plans ~o develop a~hle~ic <br />programs or develop addf#ianai a~hfe#ic ~acili~ies on the properly. <br />r~in~nce Requirements: The revie of phis pplic#ion shall be in accordance llh the <br />provisions a~ Soo#ion ~.~ ec~a! Use ~'rr~i~ and Section .8.~ cool; ~~ee~a~rs ~~dle, <br />~ra~ eoa~~ary o~ the UDC. The ~olfo~ring standards, as detailed ~ri~hir~ Sec~lon ~~,~ o~ the <br />UDC, have been established ~o determine the appropria#eness o~~he applica#ian: <br />9~ ~v~c ~~visi~: <br />~~}Fire - iden~il`'fes the primary and secondary responders and the source{s} of ~ua~er. <br />n i~a ~, ~0~~ the ~olloing ir~~ormation vas provided by David Syi~es, Fire <br />iarshail} of grange Daun~y emergency Services concerning #his project via e» <br />mail <br />~ , ono Volunteer Fire Depar#n~ent ill provide lire services for the <br />foci I ity, <br />~. Grange oun# ~lS ill provide emergency n~edicai services. <br />3. The side is served via publiavua~er Ton o~ Hiifsbarough}. <br />~, lair. yl~e has no issue uvi~h the permit being approved and the <br />school corr~r~encing operations from ~h churoh bud has <br />ca~a~ioned #ha~ there may need to be internal ~~~~c~difica~lans to the <br />