Orange County NC Website
4 <br />COMPARISON DATA of TWO PLANS <br />Item <br />CONVENTIONAL — R1 <br />FLEXIBLE <br />Subdivision Land Area <br />8.984 acres <br />8.984 acres <br />Area in_public road Iii <br />1.483 acres <br />1.483 acres <br />Area outside of public road ROW <br />7.501 acres <br />7.501 acres <br />Flatted lot area <br />6.91 acres <br />6.91 acres <br />Minimum Lot width <br />130 feet <br />50 feet <br />Minimum front setback <br />40 feet <br />20 feet <br />Minimum side and rear setbacks <br />20 feet <br />8 feet <br />The applicant is proposing to develop twenty -eight 2 lots ranging in size from 5,500 to 12,700 <br />square feet in land area intended to support the development of single-family residences. <br />It approved, the overall density allowed on the parcels will change from one unit per acre to <br />approximately three 3 units per acre. <br />STAFF COMMENT.- Staff has determined that this proposal is in accordance with the anticipated <br />densities for properties located within the 10-year Transition Area as defined within the adopted <br />Comprehensive Plan and Urban designated areas as denoted on the Growth Management systems <br />Map. <br />Roads: The applicant is proposing the development of two 2 public roads to service the project that <br />will be constructed to NC Department of Transportation guidelines. The applicant intends to tarn <br />these roads over to DOT for maintenance at the appropriate time. The plan also calls for: <br />Zoo -foot extension of Tinnin Road to ensure connectivity with the northern propel as <br />required under Section 7. .1 of the UDO. The extension shall be constructed in accordance <br />with NC DOT and County guidelines, <br />For the new streets, the applicant is proposing a fifty foot right-of-way with a twenty - <br />seen 27 foot back-to-back curb and gutter travel way. <br />According to the project engineer, the anticipated traffic volume generated by this <br />de relopment is app, roxi mate ly Soo trips per day at busild out, i.e. between 10 and 11 trips per <br />household per day. <br />STAFF COMMEAIT& Staff has determined that the proposed roadway construction and layout is <br />consistent with the requirements of the UDO. <br />In discussing this project with the NCDOT District Engineer, Ilia. Chuck Edwards, staff has been <br />informed that DOT. will monitor both Tinnin and school House Loads for deterioration during <br />construction. If the roads become severely impacted, Mr. Edwards has indicated that he has <br />the option of reducing weight load allowances along these roadways or requiring the applicant to <br />posy: i tnaintenan e bond to ensure that the read is returned to proper f n tionalKy onc.e. the <br />