Minutes - 19990426
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19990426
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Agenda - 04-26-1999
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Commissioner Carey feels that the County Commissioners need to discuss that. He said <br />that the Healthy Carolinians was something that the Board asked the Health Department to do <br />last year. This is important to him and many people in the County. He said that he wants to <br />know when the Manager is asked to provide information of this kind. <br />John Link recalls the discussion about if there is a new function or area created. His <br />interpretation is that Rosemary Summers changed the reporting procedure for this position. <br />Commissioner Carey said that once the Board decides on the budget and goals for each <br />department, they should not get involved in telling the departments how to carry them out, this i; <br />up to the manager and the departments. Getting the job done with existing resources is an <br />administrative function. <br />Chair Gordon said that she agrees. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that maybe there could be a courtesy review of changes in <br />organization. <br />John Link said that he would keep the County Commissioners informed of administrative <br />changes or any change that creates a new function. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the Kellogg positions. <br />Rosemary Summers explained that these positions are separate, although there are <br />elements that will serve minority populations. <br />Chair Gordon asked Rosemary Summers to break out the positions and the outcomes <br />for each. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if Rosemary Summers could show how these positions tie <br />in with other services in the County, and how they coordinate or collaborate with other <br />departments. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis feels that the work the Health Department does with the two <br />school systems goes unheralded. <br />3. Existing Office Assistant I (Increase in hours) - (page 34) <br />John Link said that the request is to increase the hours from 30 to 40. These hours will <br />be used to serve as a receptionist and to complete health records. These extra hours will help <br />the professional staff focus on what they need to be doing. <br />4. Existing Public Health Nurse/School Nurse (Increase in hours) - (page 36) <br />John Link said that specifically these extra hours will enable the nurse to provide health <br />care to Orange High School and Frank Porter Graham. Also, this position will work with the <br />children in Charter schools. <br />Rosemary Summers said that this position will oversee the entire Hepatitis B program. <br />In answer to a question from Barry Jacobs, she said that there are a total of 5-1/2 nurses for <br />Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools employed by the school system, and there are five nurses for <br />Orange County schools. Orange County has 2 full-time nurses. Chapel Hill/Carrboro City <br />Schools' ratio is one nurse for 1,500 students, and Orange County Schools' ratio is one nurse <br />for 1,200 students. <br />Rosemary Summers said that there are no school nurses in the charter schools, so a <br />school nurse does not support the person who goes to the charter schools. <br />5. Existing Time Limited Intensive Home Visiting Grant Positions - (page 38) <br />Commissioner Carey noted that the home-visiting program for children who are very <br />young has surfaced as a national issue. The first three years of a child's life affect the <br />development of a child the most.
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