Minutes 03-24-2011
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 03-24-2011
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11/25/2015 2:44:03 PM
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5/23/2011 2:26:41 PM
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Frank Clifton said that several issues have brought this to the forefront. One is that the <br /> Town was reviewing its tree ordinances and they were trying to decide how any changes to the <br /> tree ordinance might impact this site from a development standpoint. There is a long-term <br /> intention to expand this facility that serves a lot of County functions. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she wanted to emphasize that Orange County needs <br /> to be working with the Town of Chapel Hill following the parameters of their ordinance to move <br /> the project forward. She said that she would like to see coordinated human services in the <br /> Southern Human Services Center, such as health and dental services, as soon as possible. <br /> Jim Ward said that if the funding for this site is far down the road, he would ask that the <br /> County take a more urban look at the design because this is a very suburban design. <br /> Matt Czajkowski said that there was a discussion some years ago about a shelter being <br /> put in the Southern Human Services Center campus and Chapel Hill is in the process of siting <br /> a transitional facility in Chapel Hill. He said that the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro are <br /> going to try and address the issue of homelessness in Orange County and he asked if there <br /> was any contemplation to address this issue, such as a food service facility at this location. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she is the Commissioner representative on the Partnership to <br /> End Homelessness and there are discussions about general services but with the County <br /> building that type of facility, there has not been any discussion. She said that usually counties <br /> do not build shelters, but non-profits do this. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the County offered building site #3 for a shelter and at <br /> that time, Mayor Foy addressed this issue at the senior center and there was a lot of <br /> opposition from people who use the senior center about having a homeless shelter next door. <br /> The Mayor addressed how they could coexist. There was never a vote, but the shelter was <br /> moved somewhere else. The County did step forward and entertained this possibility. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that Project Homestart is located on the Southern Human <br /> Services Center campus and it is a facility for women and children. This site is leased for 25 <br /> years. <br /> Commissioner Foushee pointed out that during the discussion about the homeless <br /> facility there was also discussion about providing the justice facility and a possible swap of <br /> having a committed location in downtown Chapel Hill. This somehow got lost in the <br /> discussion. <br /> Ed Harrision left at 9:14 PM. <br /> 3. Solid Waste Issues <br /> a) Inter-local Agreement Modifications for Solid Waste <br /> Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson said that the Town of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and <br /> Orange County have had a partnership since the 1970's with regard to solid waste. From the <br /> mid-80's to 2000 the Landfill Owners Group guided landfill operations under the administrative <br /> control of the Town of Chapel Hill. In 1999, there was a working group of elected officials, <br /> attorneys, and managers that met for months in crafting the existing interlocal agreement. The <br /> key provision in the agreement was that the County would provide local disposal and the <br /> partners would provide waste to that facility that would provide the funding. The recent <br /> decision regarding the transfer station has brought the interlocal agreement into question. The <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board has discussed this issue thoroughly and has made some <br /> recommendations on how to proceed. The suggestion is that a new working group be formed <br /> to revise the existing interlocal agreement or to craft a new interlocal agreement for solid waste <br /> management. The Solid Waste Advisory Board recommended that with the possible additional <br /> life of the landfill that a long-term solution could be implemented that might avoid or at least <br /> minimize the interim delivery of waste to the City of Durham. The SWAB strongly <br />
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