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� <br /> Draft with the revisions contained in Attachment 2 of this agenda item abstract to be <br /> incorporated into the UDO; and <br /> WHEREAS, the UDO is consistent with the goals and objectives of the adopted 2030 <br /> Comprehensive Plan; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of Commissioners that <br /> the November 2010 Public Hearing Draft of the UDO, with staff to incorporate the revisions <br /> contained in Attachments 2, 3, and 3A of this agenda item abstract, is hereby adopted and the <br /> following existing Orange County ordinances are hereby repealed: Zoning Ordinance, <br /> including the Economic Development Districts Design Manual; Subdivision Regulations; <br /> Environmental Impact Ordinance; Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance; and <br /> Stormwater Ordinance. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following text is to be added to Section 1.6.2 as <br /> subsection (G): <br /> The Board of County Commissioners may by resolution establish rules related <br /> to tenure and membership expectations. If the terms of such resolution, or <br /> policy created thereby, conflict with the terms of this section 1.6.1 or 1.6.2 the <br /> terms of the resolution or policy shall control. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff is directed to produce the final version of the UDO with <br /> all "track changes" components (strikethrough text, color coded text) shown in final form (i.e., <br /> removed if noted with strikethrough or normalized text color if color coded) and with all <br /> footnoted explanations/references to prior ordinances removed. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that staff is authorized to correct any typographical errors, <br /> section reference errors, or spelling errors found during final production of the UDO. <br /> The Unified Development Ordinance and repeal of the existing ordinances shall become <br /> effective upon approval of this Resolution. <br /> b. Public Hearinq to Consider Proposed Uses of Possible Funds from a <br /> November 8, 2011 Special Advisory Referendum Concerninq the Levy of a One-Quarter <br /> Cent (1/4�) County Sales and Use Tax <br /> The Board held a public hearing on potential uses for a One-Quarter Cent (1/4¢) <br /> County additional Sales and Use Tax. <br /> Michael Talbert said that over the past few months, the Board has had preliminary <br /> discussions on the possible uses of the '/4-cent tax. Economic development and education are <br /> at the top of the list. There is a tentatively scheduled work session for Thursday, April 7th to <br /> discuss these issues in more detail. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Will Raymond is a resident of Chapel Hill. He said that this approach is a broad tax <br /> that is progressive. He said that he was troubled with the sales tax process last time and he <br /> would like to see this remedied this time. He said that the educational component is a "good <br /> sale" for getting this tax passed. He said that this seems a little cynical. He is also troubled by <br /> the cost of the outreach effort. He is also troubled by the lack of vital discussion on this. He <br />