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Planning Director Craig Benedict said there are two categories, Long Range Planning <br />and Current Planning. The Sustainability goal, which is now a goal, will remain in Long-Range <br />Planning. There will be an objective under Sustainability that includes economic development. <br />Also under Long Range Planning will be Shaping Orange County's Future and the <br />Comprehensive Plan update. He said in the previous meeting, it was mentioned that there is a <br />need to update the comprehensive plan. Within that update, maintaining the comprehensive <br />transportation planning process will be covered. Another overarching area is Cooperative <br />Planning Agreements. In this goal there is Hillsborough, Mebane, and then small area plans. <br />Also under Long Range Planning is Analysis of Fiscal Impacts of Growth and Development and <br />the Public School Impact Tax and/or Fee. He said those two items are more research oriented. <br />He said that Rural Character Preservation was no longer under Long Range Planning and he <br />feels that it might be time to take the Rural Character Preservation goals and put them into <br />Current Planning. This would allow them to move forward with regulations to implement the <br />goals instead of just having the study out there. The objectives within Rural Character <br />Preservation are Farmland Preservation, Flexible Development Standards, and Visual Resource <br />Protection. He said the Board needs to decide if these items should be under Long Range <br />Planning or Current Planning. <br />Chair Gordon said placing these goals under Current Planning was discussed at the last <br />meeting and it was fine. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that at the retreat the Board agreed that, without specifically <br />discussing the rural buffer, that they would review the findings of the Rural Character study and <br />see how they applied. <br />Craig Benedict said he would get copies of the changes to those who may be missing <br />pages. He said that there were three things that were compiled to make the new goal, <br />Farmland Preservation, Visual Resource Protection, and the Flexible Development Plan. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if when Craig Benedict comes back with issues on TDR that <br />he show the linkage. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the transition areas and said that his <br />understanding is that the Comprehensive Plan Update would be done after the completion of <br />the work being done by the Shaping Orange County's Future committee. <br />Craig Benedict said that was correct and that they were going to be doing some <br />groundwork for the Comprehensive Plan Update. He said that the plan he has now is from <br />1981, and it generalizes transition areas, urban areas, and rural areas. There are some other <br />more current plans that would give the Board more direction on what densities could go in those <br />transition areas. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that it might make sense to identify the transition areas that <br />the Board wants to target now as opposed to waiting longer. <br />Craig Benedict said that he feels that there is some urgency to fix the plan and have <br />everything conform to that plan so there is more direction. <br />Chair Gordon feels that there are compelling reasons to do the parks in Orange County <br />for which the Board has land use control, and that the rural buffer should be a separate case. <br />She said that if the Board decided they wanted to do something later, that they could have it as <br />a separate item. She thinks Shaping Orange County's Future should be kept separate before <br />they go through the process of putting it through the joint planning mechanism. She said the <br />citizens do not really want it to be changed. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to a subdivision that came in and where the <br />developers were allowed to put the septic systems anywhere which essentially ruined the rural <br />buffer. <br />Chair Gordon said that this is a specific regulation. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she would like to look at the possibility of having a <br />backup site for a conventional septic system.