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Commissioner Brown asked if the Personnel Department was anticipating that the <br />Exceptional Award would go to 15-20% of the County's employees. <br />Elaine Holmes said the budget was based on about 5-7% of employees being at the <br />exceptional level. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the 401(k) plan and asked if this was supposed to be <br />matching. She and Commissioner Halkiotis said that they remember that this was matching. <br />John Link reminded them that they discussed the difficulty of certain levels of employees <br />being able to provide matching funds. <br />Elaine Holmes said that the plan was presented at the October 1998 work session as a <br />match and the Board discussed the pros and cons. She remembers one of the cons discussed <br />was the impact on the lower salaried employees. <br />Chair Gordon said she remembers the Board deciding on a fixed amount for the 401(k) <br />plan. <br />John Link said that they would take the original proposal and come back with the same <br />alternatives, speaking to what is allowed. <br />Chair Gordon asked what information the Board wants on the 401(k) plan. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis feels something needs to be done for the lower salaried <br />employees. He wants to know who has plans out there. He would like to do more for the lower <br />salaried employees than for those on the upper end. He would like to revisit this issue. <br />John Link said that they would provide additional information on the 401(k) plan, giving <br />all the possible options, and try to work within the budget for this item. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the staff would come back on this issue with the same <br />pool of money, or will the appropriation need to be increased. <br />John Link said they would begin with the amount that is in the plan at this time. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to the October 1998 report on page 64 and the <br />Survey of Area Governments. He noted that Alamance County, Durham County, and the Town <br />of Hillsborough did not have a match for their 401(k) plans. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she would like for the Board of County Commissioners to <br />look annually at the living wage and see how it could be increased. She asked if next year the <br />Board could look at a menu of benefits which gives a choice of benefits for the employees, such <br />as a cafeteria plan. She also asked about the Equity Retention Fund, which is to be used to <br />address employees not going through the advancement steps fast enough. <br />John Link said there have been instances where employees have not moved up or have <br />jumped ahead for whatever reason. <br />Commissioner Brown asked if John Link could provide a report on how the Equity <br />Retention Fund works. <br />Chair Gordon said that the $25,000 appropriated for this would not go very far. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he thinks $25,000 is a good base amount for this fund. <br />The Board agreed to leave the Equity Retention Fund at $25,000. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that when area employers are included, that OWASA's <br />benefits be listed. He thinks they have a very generous plan, and he would like to see how <br />Orange County's benefits compares to OWASA's. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Brown to <br />confirm the Employee Pay and Benefits components planned for 1999-2000 and implement the <br />policy details, with exceptions as noted. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />2. 1999-2000 Proposed Board of Commissioners' Goals and Objectives <br />The Board discussed the remainder of the proposed Goals and Objectives for 1999- <br />2000.