Orange County NC Website
6 <br />While many Automated Timesheet systems provide additional features for <br />managing employee payroll information, those features will be considered out of <br />scope for this project. <br />Project Goals and Objectives <br />This project will address the following goals: <br />• Efficiency improvements <br />The system, once fully implemented and staff past their initial learning <br />curve, should be more efficient in allowing time and leave entry, and <br />supervisor approval, than the current systems. <br />• Consistency <br />The system should provide mechanisms for enforcing consistencies in the <br />reporting and management of time and leave, that is configurable by <br />trained Human Resources personnel. <br />• Compliant with Federal, State and County rules, laws and ordinances <br />The system should support all relevant statutory constraints for managing <br />time and leave records for County staff. <br />• Provide legally defensible time records <br />The system should provide a record keeping mechanism that can be <br />proven to be fully accountable to the employee and supervisor chain, such <br />that its records are defensible in disputes over time keeping. <br />Scope of Work and Deliverables <br />Although the primary requirement of this project is to define the scope and <br />functional requirements for an integrated timekeeping and payroll system, the <br />project will also deliver a change management strategy and a communications <br />plan. <br />The following outlines the scope of work to be undertaken to complete this <br />project and may be augmented by additional tasks: <br />• Identify stakeholders and communicate the scope, organization, and <br />direction of the project to all identified stakeholders; <br />• Gather detailed functional and system requirements from sponsor <br />stakeholders; <br />• Recommend project approach for identifying, selecting, testing, and <br />obtaining an implementation approach; <br />• Estimate future project costs, including (but not limited to) software <br />acquisition, hardware acquisition, software configuration and <br />enhancement, project management costs, training costs, and data <br />conversion costs; <br />• Estimate future project benefits; <br />• Develop a change management strategy; <br />• Develop a communications plan; and <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />