Orange County NC Website
21 <br />enhances high-quality employment opportunities for County residents. <br />Objective ED-2.5: Identify lands suitable to accommodate the expansion and growth <br />of commercial and industrial uses. <br />Objective ED-2.9: Consider industrial sites in Agricultural-Residential areas along <br />the U.S. 70/I-85 highway and rail corridor. <br />Land Use Overarching Goal: Coordination of the amount, location, pattern and <br />designation of future land uses, with availability of County services and facilities <br />sufficient to meet the needs of Orange County's population and economy consistent <br />with other Comprehensive Plan element goals and objectives. <br />Objective LU-1.1: Coordinate the location of higher intensity /high density residential <br />and non-residential development with existing or planned locations of public <br />transportation, commercial and community services, and adequate supporting <br />infrastructure (i.e., water and sewer, high-speed Internet access, streets, and <br />sidewalks), while avoiding areas with protected natural and cultural resources. This <br />could be achieved by increasing allowable densities and creating new mixed-use <br />zoning districts where adequate public services are available. <br />Objective LU-3.6: Establish consistency between the Land Use Plan and the Water <br />and Sewer Management Planning and Boundary Agreement and Map. <br />Objective LU-3.9: Create new zoning district(s) which allow for a mixing of <br />commercial and residential uses, a mixing of housing types, and creates a more <br />pedestrian friendly development pattern. New districts should be applied in areas <br />where public services exist or are planned for in the future, in areas that promote <br />higher intensity and high density uses on the Land Use Plan map. <br />• New Statutes and Rules <br />N/A <br />C. PROCESS <br />C.1 TIMEFRAME/MILESTONES/DEADLINES (See Attachment 1) <br />a. Setting of a Quarterly Public Hearing date and remaining on target <br />May 23, 2011 <br />b. BOCC updates/checkpoints <br />May 17, 2011 - BOCC approval to proceed <br />C.2 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM <br />Mission/Scope Public Hearing process consistent with NC State Statutes and <br />Orange County ordinance requirements. <br />Midpoint (Rough Draft) <br />Final Draft <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />