Orange County NC Website
property contiguous to the current landfill and Neville <br />Properties will be considered by the LOG, including: <br />- Enhanced dust control measures. <br />- Ensuring that the Neville /Greene tracts will not be <br />utilized in the future to process or dispose of solid <br />waste. <br />"Issues Needing SicMif ;ca= Disc ion" <br />12. Begin immediately stockpiling any possible sources of dirt <br />now. Can any available dirt from commercial and /or <br />residential construction be stockpiled? Could the Johnson <br />tract (recently logged) be used to stockpile dirt? <br />13. Is there a 55- acre "land locked" tract behind UPS and the <br />park- and -ride lot that could be used for obtaining dirt? <br />14. Can a survey and description of the oak trees be conducted and <br />published so that everyone will know what's being lost (e.g., <br />age of oaks, plans to replant and length of time to grow)? In <br />a broader sense, could a complete assessment of what is <br />actually going-to be destroyed be prepared (history of land, <br />streams, trees, topography, and any other nontangible <br />variables) and published? <br />15. A written report from an environmental impact study on the <br />removal of soil from Neville and Greene tracts. <br />16. Conduct complete environmental pre - measures of possible <br />effects of dirt removal. Specifically, an independent <br />analysis of current environmental conditions before any dirt <br />is removed. Facts to assess include but are not limited to: <br />- noise and vibration <br />- dust <br />- water run -off patterns and volume <br />- well water quality <br />- wildlife <br />17. A periodic independent assessment of environmental factors <br />(e.g., yearly ?) once the dirt removal process begins. <br />18. A process to remedy any environmental damages) to neighboring <br />properties. A compensation and restoration process be <br />developed in the event that damage occurs. <br />19. The following principles for selecting an area for obtaining <br />soil within the Neville /Greene tracts will be used by the <br />Landfill Owner's Group in developing. the. Special Use Permit <br />,SUP) to be submitted to the Town of Chapel•Hill: <br />Select area that minimizes the number of-residences <br />0 <br />