Orange County NC Website
Approved May 4, 2011 Attachment 4 <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />APRIL 6, 2011 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Brian Crawford (Chair), At-Large, Eno Township; Larry Wright (Vice-Chair), At-Large, Cedar Grove <br />Township; Alan Campbell, Cedar Grove Township Representative; Buddy Hartley, Little River Township Representative; Lisa <br />Stuckey, Chapel Hill Township Representative; Mark Marcoplos, At-Large, Bingham Township; Andrea Rohrbacher Rohrbacher, <br />At-Large Chapel Hill Township; Peter Hallenbeck, Cheeks Township Representative; Maxecine Mitchell, At-Large Bingham <br />Township; <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Judith Wegner, Bingham Township Representative; Rachel Hawkins, Hillsborough Township Representative; <br />Vacant- Eno Township Representative; <br />STAFF PRESENT: Craig Benedict, Planning Director; Tom Altieri, Comprehensive Planning Supervisor (Planner III); Perdita Holtz, <br />Planning Systems Coordinator (Planner III); Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor (Planner III); Shannon Berry, Special <br />Projects Planner (Planner II); Tina Love, Administrative Assistant II <br />OTHERS PRESENT: Ben Lloyd, Dolly Hunter <br />AGENDA ITEM 8: ZONING ORDINANCE OR UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE (UDO) TEXT AMENDMENT CHANGE: <br />To make a recommendation to the BOCC on acitizen-initiated text amendment to add a permitted use <br />to the NC-2 (Neighborhood Commercial - 2) zoning district, as heard at the February 28, 2011 quarterly <br />public hearing. <br />Presenter Michael Harvey, Planner III <br />Michael Harvey: The purpose of this item is for the Planning Board to make a recommendation on a text amendment petition <br />submitted by Mr. Ben Lloyd amending the Table of Permitted Uses to allow the Motor Vehicle Sales & Rental (New and Used) <br />use category within the Neighborhood Commercial Two (NC-2) general use zoning district as a permitted use. <br />You will find at your places a revised resolution of approval completed by Ms. Holtz and Ms. Berry concerning this amendment <br />request. As you are all aware the UDO was adopted last night. As a result, Mr. Lloyd's text amendment will need to be <br />incorporated into the UDO. This revised resolution accomplishes this task. If it is your intent to recommend approval I ask that <br />you reference this revised resolution in your motion. <br />As the Board is already aware, this item was reviewed at the February 28, 2011 Quarterly Public Hearing where staff had <br />recommended the petition be denied based on the proposal's inconsistency with the intent of the NC-2 general use zoning <br />district and the potential conflicts with such a use being developed within the Rural Neighborhood Activity and Rural Community <br />Activity Nodes. Several BOCC members proposed modifications to the petition, which were accepted by the applicant, which <br />would only allow for the development of the use on NC-2 zoned property that is located within Commercial Transition Activity or <br />Commercial Industrial Transition Activity Nodes. Mr. Lloyd is here this evening and can confirm his acceptance of the <br />modifications if necessary. <br />Staff can recommend approval of the revised petition as the use would be limited to appropriate areas of the County. We do note in our <br />abstract, however, that this should not be viewed as the most prudent way of addressing this type of problem in the future. <br />Mark Marcoplos: I wasn't at the public hearing so this is my first experience hearing about this request. Near where I live, in the <br />White Cross area there is an existing commercial operation that has been a used car lot. This property used to be a garage. <br />Aren't there are certain standards that businesses have to meet in terms of how they handle cars or display cars. <br />Michael Harvey: The ordinance establishes standards addressing adjacent property impact with landscaping, setbacks, etc. <br />This proposal looks at, and establishes regulations dealing with, the number of cars that can be stored or displayed on the <br />property. There are also DMV regulations governing the sale and display of automobiles, which we are required to ensure the <br />property owner adheres to in coordination with DMV officials. <br />13 <br />Mark Marcoplos: It seems likely it wouldn't really get out of hand. If it got sloppy, that someone would curtail it. <br />