Orange County NC Website
10 <br />Currently Allowed: General Commercial Four (GC-4), Existing Commercial Five (EC-5), Existing <br />Industrial (EI), Low, Medium, and Heavy Industrial (I-1, I-2, and I-3), and Eno EDD Primary. <br />Also allowed in Buckhorn EDD with a Planned Development (PD) approval <br />Impact: If approved, this amendment would allow the use on all current, and future zoned, NC- <br />2 zoned properties throughout the County <br />NC-2 -FACTS: <br />Intent of the NC-2 district is to allow for the development of commercial uses serving <br />neighborhood and rural populations with convenience goods and personal services. <br />District is allowed within the following land use categories: <br />Commercial Transition Activity Node <br />Rural Community Activity Node <br />Rural Neighborhood Activity Node <br />Commercial Industrial Transition Activity Node <br />Zoning Officer Analysis: <br />Text amendments and rezoning petitions are reviewed under a legislative decision making <br />process (i.e. no required findings of fact) <br />Amendment appears inconsistent with the intent of the NC-2 district as the use has a broader <br />market area than currently envisioned <br />Amendment would allow for a land use that is inconsistent with several nodes/land use <br />categories where the NC-2 district is allowed <br />Zoning Officer Analysis (continued): <br />Amendment creates potential enforcement problem by requiring staff to constantly inspect <br />property to ensure no more than 12 cars are present <br />Staff recommends denial of petition due to the aforementioned reasons <br />There are potential conditions that could be imposed on the adoption of the amendment that <br />would address the majority of staffs concerns <br />Staff Recommendations: <br />Receive the zoning text amendment petition, <br />Conduct the Public Hearing and accept public comment(s) on the petition, <br />Refer the matter to the Planning Board with a request that a recommendation be returned to the <br />County Board of Commissioners in time for the June 21, 2011 BOCC regular meeting, and <br />Adjourn the public hearing until June 21, 2011 in order to receive the Planning Board's <br />recommendation and any submitted written comments. <br />