Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Whereas, the Hyconeechee Regional Library Board of Trustees now believes that <br />the residents of each county would benefit from three independent library systems that <br />could develop specific policies, procedures, catalog, electronic resource offerings and <br />long range strategic plans that benefit each county's unique populations and allow for <br />greater opportunity to apply for state and federal grants based an each county's individual <br />needs and demographics. <br />NOW THEREFORE, we the Board of Trustees of the Hyconeechee Regional Library, <br />Incorporated pursuant to N.C. Gen. Star. §SSA-14-02, do hereby vote to dissolve the <br />corporation effective July 1, 2012, conditioned upon the following: <br />1. That the Counties of Orange, Person and Caswell Board of County <br />Commissioners vote their intent to withdraw from the Hyconeechee Regional <br />Library System on June 30, 2012; and <br />2. That the Plan of Dissolution (Attachment A} put forward by the Hyconeechee <br />Regional Library Board of Trustees is agreed upon by each County. <br />NOW THEREFORE, we the Board of Trustees of the Hyconeechee Regional Library, <br />Incorporated do agree that if the above stated conditions are met, after winding up the <br />corporation, we shall deliver to the Nortlr Carolina Secretary of State the Articles of <br />Dissolution of the Hyconeechee Regional Library Incorporated pursuant to N.C. Gen. <br />Star. §SSA-1404. rr <br />This the ~~day of t t, 2011 <br />~~ <br />C air, Boar f Trustees <br />Hyconeechee Regional Libr Inc. <br />The vote of the Board of Directors of the yconeechee Regional Library Board, <br />Incorporated took place on ~~`day of , 2011, s Ayes _~No <br />Attest: <br />Secretary <br />