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increase in density for developments that are affordable to low and moderate income <br />households. In addition, manufactured housing and modular housing, which is an <br />ongoing source of affordable housing, is allowable in all residentially zoned areas in the <br />County. She said that what troubles her about using property tax revenue is that it has <br />an impact on those citizens who are on a fixed income. <br />Commissioner Carey said that if the County supports this and is given the <br />flexibility, it would give us another vehicle to use, regardless whether or not we use it. <br />Myles Presler said that he understands this is a tough issue. Right now the <br />County Commissioners do not have the authority to use property tax revenue for <br />affordable housing. He feels there is no compelling reason to not support this resolution. <br />He feels that SB 708 does have the support of the County's legislative delegation. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that when the County Commissioners met with <br />their legislative delegation, they were told that there would be no extra funds this year. <br />He made reference to the list provided in the agenda abstract of affordable housing <br />initiatives in Orange County during the last 10 years and said that we all want to do more <br />but his concern is that there are a lot of issues that will need funding over the next thirty <br />years. He agrees with Commissioner Carey in that we should move ahead with getting <br />the authority to allocate property tax revenue. <br />Commissioner Carey said that the only thing this does is put affordable <br />housing on an equal footing with all the other requests they receive. <br />Commissioner Jacobs noted that the County Commissioners did ask their <br />legislative delegation for $60,000 for urgent repair money. He agrees that there are <br />many projects where the federal and state governments do not allow counties the <br />flexibility to fund as counties may deem necessary. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she supports this initiative. It seems to her <br />that all the funds that used to be available from the federal and state governments have <br />vanished. She feels the County cannot pay for affordable housing from the property tax <br />because of the many other priorities like schools. She encouraged Myles Presler to <br />lobby state and federal legislators to get the funding returned for affordable housing. <br />Chair Gordon said that she feels that Orange County is committed to <br />affordable housing. She does not feel that the County property tax can support this <br />initiative which would allow the use of property tax funds for providing affordable housing <br />and therefore will vote against this resolution. She agrees that these funds should be <br />available through state and federal programs. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Brown to approve the resolution as stated below: <br />RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT <br />FOR <br />SENATE BILL 708 <br />Whereas, the Orange County Board of Commissioners has long recognized the need <br />for affordable housing for its citizens; and