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that area with a total of 350 acres. She said if the Transition I and Transition II areas <br />were built out at the present zoning, it would yield 2,605 homes. With only two villages <br />built out, the total number of homes would be 5,189. She asked that the County <br />Commissioners build into the ordinances some safeguards that the growth will be orderly <br />with one village being allowed to be built at any one time. <br />Chair Gordon asked that these amendments to the Carrboro Land Use <br />Ordinance be referred to staff to be analyzed in cooperation with the Carrboro staff. She <br />suggested creating a chart to show how these ordinance amendments compare with the <br />actual Carrboro ordinances. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she does understand the plan and wants to <br />take action at the next meeting. <br />There was a consensus of the Board that Commissioners Brown and Jacobs <br />would work with County staff to write an analysis of those items which need further <br />clarification. <br />Commissioner Brown left the meeting at this point (10:30). <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. Telecommunications Tower/Site Management Consultant <br />The Board heard a report on a proposal to hire a consultant to assist the <br />County with tower siting issues. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict presented this information. He said that <br />there are consultants to assist the County with looking at our tower ordinance to (1) <br />provide public information, (2) review ordinances, (3) create a grid system identifying <br />potential tower coverage sites, (4) coordinate tower siting with the telecommunications <br />industry, and (5) develop revenue sources for leasing public properties. He noted that <br />MetroSite Management is such a firm and has been recommended by the North <br />Carolina League of Municipalities and the North Carolina Association of County <br />Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked for additional information which will be provided <br />by Susan Rabold Bouton, a representative of MetroSite Management. He said that he <br />read about this company in the NCACC newsletter but feels that this may not be the <br />appropriate time to review our ordinances. <br />Susan Rabold Bouton said that the consultant would look at the ordinances <br />and identify which areas are appropriate for towers and which areas are inappropriate. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that if we go with a consultant that we put a <br />moratorium on any applications during the time we are studying this issue. <br />Ms. Bouton said that her process starts with an education of the entire <br />process. They first try to understand what they are working with before proceeding with <br />a study and report. <br />The Board received this report for information only at this time.