Minutes - 19990413
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19990413
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Agenda - 04-13-1999
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7 <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that the previous agreement be reviewed to see how it might <br />still be applicable. <br />John Link suggested that more concrete goals be made, for instance, the first objective can be <br />that the town of Hillsborough come to an agreement on the entranceway of 1-40, etc. One of the more critical <br />issues is to pursue a small plan of mutual interests. <br />Chair Gordon mentioned that the last time the Board talked to Hillsborough about this, they <br />seemed very clear on not wanting a comprehensive agreement, but very interested in working on small <br />projects of mutual interest. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to show them a document including those things that <br />Hillsborough is interested in. <br />Chair Gordon suggested listing Hillsborough's interest and then listing the County's interest. <br />The goal will be rewritten to say "Implement Orange County Hillsborough Cooperative <br />Agreement," taking out the word `planning.' <br />Chair Gordon said that the Rural Character Preservation looks good. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said this is where the review of the Agricultural Resources Center <br />should be added. <br />John Link asked David Stancil to tell him what the Agricultural Preservation Board is pursuing <br />in terms of who are the stakeholders, how they are invited, when the Commissioners will be given updates on <br />the progress, etc. <br />David Stancil said that this has only been discussed by the Agricultural Advisory Board for one <br />or two meetings, but the intent is to get away from the negativity of the past, from the bond referendum that <br />failed. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about visual resource protection, and whether there are buffer <br />requirements that are not required. <br />Craig Benedict said all private roads do not have the 30-foot requirement. He will rewrite to <br />clarify this statement. <br />Commissioner Carey thinks it is ambitious to say the buffers will be examined and the very <br />next month come up with some new proposals for buffers. <br />Chair Gordon asked about the objective that states, "review minor and major subdivisions to <br />limit direct access to roadways." She thinks it should read, "review minor and major subdivisions and <br />recommend whether to limit." <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked that there be some reference in the Farmland Preservation goal <br />indicating that it is coordinated with the open space acquisition program. Also, objective 3 under Rural <br />Character, it should say, "and in a manner that will create contiguous stretches of open space." <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the open space, whether it is adequate, and should it be <br />mandatory. <br />The Board decided to postpone discussions on the remaining goals until a later time. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />With no further items to discuss, Chair Gordon adjourned the meeting. The next meeting as listed on <br />the regular meeting calendar will be held on Wednesday, April 14, 1999 at 7:30 p.m. in the Boardroom at the <br />Southern Human Services Center, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. <br />Alice M. Gordon, Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk
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