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Commissioner Brown said that we need to be prepared to say what we want in the service <br />analysis that has been suggested by United Way. She would like an inventory of all the programs being <br />offered in the County, particularly for children and the needy. <br />Chair Gordon feels the goal should be to provide programs for youth ages 13-19, and an <br />objective under that should be to create a countywide youth council. <br />John Link feels youth council needs to be defined. <br />Commissioner Carey made a comment about the evaluation of County services. He knows <br />that there is a difference between assessment and evaluation. He wants to know what the objective is before <br />an evaluation is done. He wants to know what it will be used for. <br />John Link will prepare something and bring it back, reflecting a Public Health Emergency <br />Preparedness Plan, Orange County youth programs, and an evaluation of County services. <br />Commissioner Jacobs distributed a multi colored handout from Jerry Passmore. He feels that <br />there has never been an overall look at the aging population in Orange County and issues associated with <br />the aging population. He gave some statistics about how the 65 and older population is going to increase <br />131 % in the next 24 years, compared to 38% for the rest of the country. <br />John Link feels that there needs to be a comprehensive plan to address the needs of seniors <br />and their health and well being. <br />Chair Gordon asked about the scope of this plan. <br />John Link said that Jerry Passmore has begun looking at this but it needs to be inclusive of the <br />Department of Social Services, the Health Department, and others. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that there needs to be a special goal for developing the plan. <br />There will be a fourth goal, and John Link will bring back something for the Board to review. <br />Commissioner Brown asked what has happened to the Work First families. She would like to <br />make this a goal for one year and then a report after that. <br />John Link will prepare something on a comprehensive look at the outcome of welfare reform <br />on Work First. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to hear how the Work First participants are being included in <br />the County hiring goals. <br />f. Innovation and Efficiency <br />Commissioner Brown suggested, regarding Assessment of County Office Space and Inventory <br />and Analysis, that the staff look at this and see if a consultant is needed to help. She would like to know if the <br />rental space can pay for new facilities. She also thinks that storage should be included. <br />John Link said storage has been included in the CIP, and he neglected to mention it in the CIP <br />presentation. <br />g. Long Range Planning <br />Craig Benedict pointed out that some of the Rural Character Preservation goals address some <br />of the concerns about Long Range Planning. <br />Chair Gordon suggested that the items be articulated so they can be tracked. <br />The goals will be combined and placed in only one category so they can be tracked. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about adequate public facilities. He thinks that the abbreviations <br />should be spelled out the first time they are mentioned. <br />Commissioner Brown said that the ultimate goal should be for Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and <br />Hillsborough to work cooperatively. <br />Chair Gordon referred to the analysis of fiscal impacts of development. She said it was stated <br />more broadly before and she would like the staff to go back and recapture the fiscal and other impacts. <br />Commissioner Brown mentioned developing an ordinance for drainage and storm water <br />management. <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to investigate the feasibility for a performance bond for <br />violations. He would like to have some more information about the present enforcement and a report if it is <br />not adequate so that it becomes a goal. <br />Chair Gordon questioned whether a Cooperative Planning Agreement should be implemented <br />with Orange County and Hillsborough, or if cooperative projects should continue. <br />The Board agreed to try the Cooperative Planning Agreement again.