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c. Economic Development Districts <br />Commissioner Brown commented on page 6 and asked about "expansion" of the EDD. <br />John Link said that this is a carry over from the former Economic Development Director. This <br />plan will not move forward without the Board of County Commissioners approving it. <br />Commissioners Jacobs suggested taking out "expansion of" and move forward. <br />Chair Gordon asked that the objective be added to this goal. <br />John Link said that the objectives and timelines will be added to this goal and brought back to <br />the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the status report, as to which January for cooperative <br />planning in Hillsborough the statement is referring to, 1999 or 1998. <br />This will be clarified and brought back as well. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about #7 and she was told that it was an old goal. She said that <br />if this is to remain she would like to include HOV and include park and ride lots. <br />It was decided that this goal will be reworked. <br />Chair Gordon said that she just wants a definition of what this is at this time. Regarding the <br />Orange County loan pool, she questioned the cost. <br />John Link said that $50,000 is the actual amount put in the loan pool. The total cost is <br />$65,000, it is not an additional amount. <br />Chair Gordon asked about sustainability and noted that it should be mentioned here. Three <br />Commissioners asked that the staff write this up, and the Board of County Commissioners will decide where <br />to put it in the goals. <br />d. Education - Effective and Sufficient School Funding <br />Commissioner Brown would like to add that the manager develops the budget guidelines for <br />the schools, and that the manager develop a goal for value engineering. <br />Commissioner Carey would like to see a policy on the schools setting priorities and for that to <br />be done now. <br />John Link said that Commissioner Halkiotis had offered to work with the staff to move forward <br />on value engineering. <br />Commissioner Brown suggested changing the wording to Value Engineering/Construction <br />Management Liaison position. <br />John Link will write something up on the manager developing the budget guidelines, <br />independent value engineering/construction management as a function, and prioritization of projects. <br />Chair Gordon asked about the objectives that were in the previous goals which are not <br />included in these new ones. <br />Rod Visser said that the previous version had four objectives. The view on equitable funding <br />at the Board of County Commissioners' retreat was that the focus needed to be more on effective and <br />efficient funding rather than equitable funding. This one was not included in the goals. The last two were <br />issues related to joint use of facilities, and those are to be addressed in the Parks and Recreation task force <br />and Schools Land Use Council. <br />Chair Gordon would like for Rod Visser to look through and see where the previous goals are. <br />e. Human Services <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the emergency response center, and would like to get <br />some information on what the emergency evacuation plans are. Specifically she would like to know what will <br />happen if something happens at Shearon Harris, and how the County would handle a chemical spill. She <br />would like to have a report on this. <br />Chair Gordon made reference to the handout on the Public Health Emergency Preparedness <br />Plan. <br />Commissioner Brown said this addressed the concerns, except for the emergency evacuation <br />plan now. <br />The Board agreed to adopt these goals, adding the emergency evacuation plan.