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John Link said that they are waiting for the report from the Parks and Recreation task force so <br />there will be accurate figures for the CIP in developing active and passive facilities. <br />Commissioner Jacobs referred to page 75, which states that there is almost two million dollars <br />allocated to purchase environmentally sensitive lands, and said that this relates to the function of the County <br />core projects. He made reference to page 76, Utility Extension Development, and asked if this fund is new or <br />old. <br />John Link said the fund is old and is available and has been used by Hancor. It is used when <br />companies say they will expand and they need some infrastructure. They evaluate their investment in terms <br />of how many jobs are created, the tax return, etc. It has not been used very much. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the agricultural resources center, and said that there <br />is a process described in the goals and objectives that talks about developing a work group for reviewing the <br />purposes of the rural education center. He thinks a plan should be developed to try to get some of the <br />tobacco settlement funds to pay for the building. <br />John Link said that he has discussed with the EDC Director Dianne Reid some of the issues <br />with the tobacco farmers who want to transition to another farming activity. The farmers usually do not have <br />the capital to make that transition by themselves. He thinks that perhaps the tobacco settlement money <br />could be a source for a loan pool. <br />Commissioner Carey suggested that we use that goal to accomplish this objective and <br />redefine our need for an agricultural center. There are going to be a lot of people in line for that money. He <br />feels that this is important enough for the County to invest some County funds. He also feels that fall of 1999 <br />is the time to buy the bonds for school projects. He asked if this amount includes County projects and John <br />Link said no. The County would need to identify projects before that time. <br />Moses Carey made reference to the 10.3 million dollars of excess in the last six years, and <br />asked if this is the County's one-cent plan. <br />John Link said that the funds may be designated for County projects. <br />Chair Gordon feels that we need to look at the County's space needs and look at the projected <br />needs and rationale. She feels the County facilities need to be consolidated. She made reference to the <br />school parks reserve, and said that we are waiting for the Parks and Recreation master plan and the School <br />and Land Use Councils to come up with a plan. She questioned the allocation of those funds, and said that it <br />was not decided whether these funds will go someplace else, but that it would be decided each year. She <br />also feels there should be a plan for justice facilities. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis agreed with Commissioner Carey about not getting involved with a <br />power struggle for the tobacco settlement. He feels the County needs to move ahead with an agricultural <br />resource center. He feels that the administration needs to figure out what to do with the 10.3 million dollars <br />and bring forth a proposal. The Board should go ahead and commit to this project before someone else <br />claims the funds. <br />Commissioner Brown asked for clarification on the 10.3 million dollars, and if it is taking away <br />from the other funds. <br />John Link clarified that this does not take away from any of the other funds. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the animal shelter, and noted that it will need some <br />type of work before 2004. <br />Donna Dean said that the Animal Protection Society (APS) have not formulated their plans for <br />shelter repairs. There has been some money allocated in the budget to take care of the top priorities for this <br />building. <br />Commissioner Brown feels the Board needs to do a priority list of the County needs for office <br />space and facilities, and what departments may expand over the years. She feels an analysis needs to be <br />done before money is put into projects. She suggested that before we proceed, there needs to be more <br />clarification on where the funds are going. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he is assuming that when a new facility is proposed, that there <br />has already been an analysis done about needs, staffing, and space. If not, it needs to be done. He thinks <br />that staffing projections should be done over the next few years, because the County facilities have been <br />neglected for too long. He noted that there is a desperate need for meeting space in the center portion of <br />Orange County. <br />Commissioner Brown suggested leaving the Carr Building for Agricultural Extension and <br />developing another facility for Planning and Environmental Health.