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The program is administered by the HMIS Lead Agency, which will serve as the liaison between the <br />Continuum of Care, agencies within the Participating Continuum of Care and Bowman Systems, Inc., <br />the developer of the CHIN HMIS. The Lead Agency for the Participating Continuum of Care has and <br />assumes no responsibility for the performance of the Agencies within the Participating Continuum of <br />Care ("Participating Agency") under this Agreement. <br />II. HMIS LEAD AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES TO PARTICIPATING AGENCIES WITHIN THE <br />CONTINUUM OF CARE <br />1. HMIS Lead Agency will provide the Participating Agency 24-hour access to the CHIN HMIS data- <br />gathering system, via Internet connection, subject to force majeure and routine maintenance <br />procedures. <br />2. HMIS Lead Agency will provide HMIS Privacy Notices, Client Release of Information, client <br />intake, and other forms for use, in conjunction with Participating Agency forms, in local <br />implementation of the CHIN HMIS functions. <br />3. HMIS Lead Agency will provide both initial training and periodic updates to that training for core <br />staff of the Participating Agency regarding the use of the CHIN HMIS, with the expectation that the <br />Participating Agency will take responsibility for conveying this information to all Participating Agency <br />staff using the system. <br />4. HMIS Lead Agency will provide basic user support and technical assistance (i.e., general trouble- <br />shooting and assistance with standard report generation) as described in CHIN's policies and <br />procedures, which may be amended from time to time as needed ("Policies and Procedures"). <br />5. HMIS Lead Agency will not make public reports on client data that identify specific persons, <br />without prior agency (and where necessary, client) permission. Public reports otherwise published <br />will be limited to presentation of aggregated data within the CHIN HMIS. <br />6. HMIS Lead Agency's publication practices will be governed by policies established by the CHIN <br />Steering Committee or relevant committees thereof for statewide analysis and will include qualifiers <br />necessary to clarify the meaning of published findings. <br />III. PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY <br />A. Protection of Client Privacy <br />1. The Participating Continuum of Care will assist CHIN in monitoring agency usage within the <br />continuum and to comply with applicable federal and state laws regarding protection of client privacy. <br />2. The Participating Continuum of Care will assist CHIN in monitoring agencies within the continuum <br />to comply specifically with the requirements set forth in the Homeless Management Information <br />Systems (HMIS); Data and Technical Standards Final Notice, 69 Fed. Reg. 45,903 (July 30, 2004) <br />and related regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development <br />("HUD") with respect to Homeless Management Information Systems, specifically the March 2010 <br />Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Data Standards. <br />3. The Participating Continuum of Care will assist CHIN in monitoring agencies within the continuum <br />comply specifically with Federal confidentiality regulations as contained in the Code of Federal <br />Regulations, 42 CFR Part 2, regarding disclosure of alcohol and/or drug abuse records. <br />4. The Participating Continuum of Care will assist CHIN in monitoring agencies within the continuum <br />comply specifically with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, 45 C.F.R., <br />Parts 160 & 164, and corresponding regulations established by the U.S. Department of Health and <br />Human Services, as applicable. <br />