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1 q- <br />Agenda Automation Questions <br />10) Will hard copies still be available for the public, the Board and <br />staff? <br />This could potentially erode cost savings otherwise realized through print reduction. <br />The current practice is to not provide paper agenda packages to the public. <br />Share your thought on how members of the public not equipped to read on-line <br />agendas might still be served. <br />I would continue whatever policy we have now for providing paper agendas to those <br />without on-line capabilities. Cost reduction imperatives should not supercede public <br />access. This would seem a relatively small problem. <br />The public, at present, does not receive hard copies of the agenda, only the cover <br />sheet. I am not sure what the question here is regarding the public. <br />I think that staff should be required to use digital format. As for the Board, I would <br />like us to encourage all members to use digital format and provide the training if <br />needed. However, I don't yet feel comfortable making it a requirement for Board <br />members. <br />Since hardcopy agendas are not provided to the public, a change to paperless would <br />not affect current practice. Paperless should be better organized and easier to usefor <br />the public, who now must access online anyway. Board members, staff, and public <br />would have the option to print selected portions of the agenda materials. <br />5/10/2011 Orange County Information Technologies Page 12 of 14 <br />