Orange County NC Website
Agenda Automation Questions <br />7) How are annotations handled? <br />Would individual Board members' annotations be considered part of the digital <br />record of each meeting? Would a single annotations field for an entire agenda item <br />suffice? Or would Board members prefer to annotate on the documents themselves, <br />the digital equivalent of hard copy markup? Would those annotations only be <br />viewable by the individual Commissioner who made them? Or would they become <br />viewable among all Board members? <br />Please share your thoughts on how each Commissioners annotations could be <br />handled. Should they be private? Shared among the Board? Subject to public <br />disclosure? Local to your laptop? Embedded in the server data for access from any <br />computer as you login? <br />Private. Separate. Local. Either that, or I'll stick with handwritten notes. <br />Annotations should be private and not part of the record. Annotations should attach <br />to (but not be part of) the item being annotated. Embedded in the server. There <br />should be a method to make comments public and accessible (e.g. a modified <br />motion). <br />5/10/2011 Orange County Information Technologies Page 9 of 14 <br />