Orange County NC Website
Agenda Automation Questions <br />6) What viewing and annotation features are needed? <br />We assume the Board values easy navigation, with a table of contents available at all <br />times to allow quick navigation to different agenda items. We assume the Board <br />requires the ability to scroll through items independently of one another. We assume <br />the Board desires a way to insert bookmarks on items to which they want to <br />frequently refer. We assume the Board requires a mechanism for making annotations. <br />Please share your thoughts on: <br />• independent navigation so each Board member can scroll independently <br />• the ability to insert bookmarks in items for quick reference <br />• the need for a persistent hyperlinked table of contents to move from item <br />to item (or even from one attachment to another) <br />• .making digital annotations in the materials <br />Want all of the above. <br />Ability to create "instant" bookmarks to enable immediate return to previous <br />item.viewed. <br />Each of the listed times is necessary. Consistent with the attorney's opinion, the <br />ability to store (at least for some fixed period beyond the end of each meeting) an <br />independent copy of the agenda and any annotations made by a commissioner. <br />Is IM equivalent to email? Or equivalent to a telephone conversation? <br />1~ <br />5/10/2011 Orange County Information Technologies Page 8 of 14 <br />