Orange County NC Website
HMO Participation and Costs for Active Employees <br />2007-2012 <br /> Monthly Annual <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />lan Year <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />lan Design Changes <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ier <br /> <br /> <br />of <br />Employees <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />remium <br /> <br /> <br />range County <br />Contribution <br />Employee <br />Contribution <br />(Dependents <br />Only) <br /> <br />Employee <br />Cost for <br />Dependents Employee <br />Coverage <br />(Exclusive of <br />Dependent <br />Subsidy) <br /> <br />County Cost <br />of Dependent <br />Subsidy <br /> <br /> <br />otal <br />Premium <br /> Em to ee 379 $611 $611 $0 $0 $2,779,537 $0 $2,779,537 <br />2012 Em /Child 103 $856 $707 $148 $183,485 $723,521 $150,487 $1,057,493 <br />15% Em /Children 74 $1,180 $868 $311 $276,206 $519,811 $251,387 $1,047,404 <br />Projected Em /S ouse 63 $1,290 $923 $366 $276,904 $442,542 $255,430 $974,876 <br />Increase Famil 74 $1,833 $1,194 $639 $567,653 $519,811 $540 614 $1,628,079 <br /> Total 693 $1,304,248 $4,985,223 $1,197,918 $7,487,389 <br /> $1000 allowance for hearing aids Em to ee 379 $531 $531 $0 $0 $2,416,989 $0 $2,416,989 <br /> Mental health visits covered at 100% Em /Child 103 $744 $615 $129 $159,552 $629,149 $130,858 $919,559 <br />2011 Opened dependent status to all children up to Em /Children 74 $1,026 $755 $270 $240,179 $452,010 $218,597 $910,786 <br /> age 26 Em /S ouse 63 $1,121 $803 $319 $240,786 $384,819 $222,113 $847,718 <br /> Famil 74 $1,594 $1,038 $556 $493,611 $452,010 $470,099 $1,415 721 <br /> Total 693 $1,134,129 $4,334,976 $1,041,668 $6,510,773 <br /> Provided $0 generics Em to ee 405 $499 $499 $0 $0 $2,425,140 $0 $2,425,140 <br /> Increased Physical Therapy visits by 50% Em /Child 87 $699 $577 $121 $126,539 $498,990 $103,794 $729,324 <br />2010 Added 100% covered visits to Convenience Em /Children 77 $963 $709 $254 $234,659 $441,635 $213,573 $889,867 <br /> Care Clinics Em /S ouse 78 $1,053 $754 $299 $279,910 $447,371 $258,215 $985,496 <br /> Removed student status criteria for children Famil 83 $1,497 $975 $522 $519,854 $476,048 $495,092 $1 490 994 <br /> over 19 Total 730 $1,160,963 $4,289,184 $1,070,674 $6,520,821 <br /> Added Health Advisor program Em to ee 404 $486 $486 $0 $0 $2,355,546 $0 $2,355,546 <br /> "Right-priced" premiums based on claims & Em /Child 94 $680 $562 $118 $133,127 $524,971 $109,190 $767,288 <br />2009 co-insurance so HMO became more costly Em /Children 70 $938 $690 $247 $207,707 $390,936 $189,059 $787,702 <br /> .plan Em /S ouse 91 $1,025 $734 $291 $317,969 $508,217 $293,333 $1,119,518 <br /> Famil 84 $1,458 $949 $508 $512,276 $469,123 $487,882 $1,469,281 <br /> Total 743 $1,171,078 $4,248,793 $1,079,464 $6,499,335 <br /> Increased Office Visit co-pays from $10/$20 Em to ee 410 $445 $445 $0 $0 $2,189,695 $0 $2,189,695 <br /> to $15/$30 Em /Child 83 $623 $538 $85 $85,098 $443,280 $92,190 $620,568 <br />2008 Added Employee/Child tier Em /Children 71 $859 $660 $199 $169,275 $379,191 $183,384 $731,851 <br /> Em /S ouse 89 $939 $702 $237 $253,031 $475,324 $274,113 $1,002,468 <br /> Famil 99 $1,335 $908 $427 $507,585 $528,731 $549,878 $1,586,194 <br /> Total 752 $1,014,989 $4,016,221 $1,099,565 $6,130,775 <br /> (Participation as of July 2007) Em to ee 399 $406 $406 $0 $0 $1,942,204 $0 $1,942,204 <br /> Added 100% covered preventive care Em /Child Not an O tion <br />2007 Em /Children 138 $783 $602 $181 $299,868 $671,740 $324,874 $1,296,482 <br /> Em /S ouse 94 $856 $640 $216 $243,580 $457,562 $263,884 $965,027 <br /> Famil 110 $1,217 $828 $389 $514,034 $535,445 $556,855 $1,606,334 <br /> Total 741 $1,057,483 $3,606,951 $1,145,614 $5,810,048 <br /> <br />