Orange County NC Website
Employee Survey Results <br />April 2011 <br />10.Choose one of the following, based on your current needs: <br />Response O tions Response <br />A plan with higher co-pays and deductibles but employees would 20 <br />6% <br />not pa a remium for em to ee covera e. . <br />A plan with benefits similar or equal to the current benefits that <br />requires employees to pay a portion of the employee premium cost, 30.8% <br />not to exceed 10% of the total cost. <br />A plan available to employees who complete biometric screenings <br />(cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.) at a reduced rate than those who <br />do not. This option would likely include some increases in co-pays 24.0% <br />and/or deductible, but not as great an increase as in first of these <br />choices. <br />A plan with an employer contribution to a health savings account <br />.that the employee uses for health services, with 100% coverage for 16.5% <br />preventive benefits and a hi her deductible for all other services. <br />Other (pleases eci 8.1 <br />A sampling of comments under this question included: <br />1 recognize the County's financial situation and interest in providing quality care at a <br />reduce rate. It is hard to select the "lesser of the evils" when things are tight at <br />home. At this point, a rate increase will come from my grocery money. A substantial <br />increase may require my taking an additional job or seeking a new position another <br />organization. <br />I understand that it is very difficult to negotiate with insurance companies to provide <br />a plan for employees each year. However it would seem that the manager and <br />BOCC would recognize how much the employees have given since 2009 and how <br />many of us have taken on additional duties to fill in gaps for vacancies and/or <br />eliminated positions. To ask us employees with dependant coverage to take another <br />pay decrease is disheartening. <br />Don't get sick. seriously that is my plan. i cannot afford any more costs in any area <br />of my life, i can barely keep my head above water as it is and it is a STRUGGLE. if <br />costs go up i will have to drop coverage. I only go to a medical provider when 1 <br />absolutely have to...that should be taken into about your first three <br />visits each year are exempt from copays and the ones after that are increased? <br />There should be some "discount" based on actual use or non-use of services, those <br />who use more should pay more of the costs seems fair. <br />Perhaps number 2, because paying up front, but with good benefits would help us in <br />an emergency. I DO NOT like the options that penalize people who have high <br />cholesterol/blood pressure, etc. Currently we are all healthy in my family, but l feel <br />like that option unfairly blames the victim. Perhaps people have inherited a problem <br />and it is not due to their lifestyle habits. <br />14 <br />