Orange County NC Website
,~}-µn~J,,...~ 3 <br />Employee Survey Results <br />April 2011 <br />An internet survey was created through the website Survey Monkey to allow employees <br />to provide their opinions about health care. Survey Monkey is a confidential tool that is <br />easy to use. The survey was distributed to employees by email in late April 2011. Hard <br />copies were made available to all department directors for distribution to employees <br />who did not have email or internet access. <br />456 employees responded, with 50 hard copies from departments such as Public Works <br />and Solid Waste. <br />1. What level of health insurance coverage do you currently have? <br />Response Options Survey <br />Res ondents Actual <br />None .9% 1 <br />Individual 49.3% 54% <br />Individual + 1 Child 15% 14% <br />Individual/Children 9.3% 10% <br />Individual/Spouse 10.4% 9% <br />Famil 15.2% 12% <br />2. What is your current salary, before deductions? <br />Response Options Survey <br />Res ondents Actual <br />$32,000 or less 19.4% 17.1 <br />$32,001-$50,000 49.2% 55.7% <br />$50,001 or hi her 31.3% 27.1 <br />3. How do current Orange county health care benefits compare to the benefits <br />offered by other employers? <br />Response Options Response <br />Better 36.9% <br />Similar 31.1 <br />Worse 3.1 <br />Don't know 28.9% <br />10 <br />