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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 10, 2011 <br />Action Age 3 <br />Item No. <br />SUBJECT: Employee and Retiree Health Care Coverage <br />DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />1. History of Participation and Costs for Katherine Cathey, Interim Human <br />Employee and Retiree Health Resources Director, 245-2553 <br />Insurance Diane Shepherd, Benefits Manager, 245- <br />2. Employee Health Care Benefits 2558 <br />Provided by Local Government <br />Employers <br />3. April 2011 Employee Survey Results <br />4. Options for Lowering the Costs of <br />Employee and Retiree Health Care <br />5. FY 2010-11 Budgeted Personnel and <br />Fringe Benefit Cost <br />PURPOSE: To receive information on employee and retiree health care for 2012 and to <br />provide feedback to staff regarding options related to employee and retiree health care benefits. <br />BACKGROUND: Each year the Manager's Recommended Budget includes recommendations <br />specific to employee and retiree health care. The FY 2011-12 Manager's Recommended <br />Budget includes funds for up to a 15% increase ($552,598 for six months) in health insurance <br />premiums for employees and retirees. A 15% increase in premiums equates to a 19% increase <br />($1,046,704) over the FY 2010-11 budget for employee and retiree health insurance. (The FY <br />2010-11 budget included funds for paying health insurance premiums at the 2010 rate for the <br />first half of a fiscal year and premiums at the 2011 rate for the second half of the fiscal year.) <br />When annualized, the amount budgeted in FY 2011-12 for increases in the County's health <br />insurance cost is equivalent to a 3% salary increase for all permanent employees. <br />In September 2010, the County retained the services of a benefits consultants, Mark III, to <br />assist with the County's entire benefits package, including health insurance. As a specialist in <br />public sector employers, Mark III has worked with numerous counties and cities to reduce <br />health insurance costs. Mark III has begun to review potential new carriers for the County and <br />will assist in designing health insurance plan(s) that meet the needs of County employees. <br />Based on County employee and retiree claims data, Mark III has predicted a 20-25% increase <br />for premiums beginning January 1, 2012, regardless of the carrier. <br />Health insurance costs are growing more rapidly than the cost of living. Attachment 1 provides <br />a history of health insurance costs for the past five years and the projected cost for 2012. With <br />these rising costs, the County must have a clear strategy in place to manage the costs <br />