Orange County NC Website
11 <br />We are aware that there is concern that developmental disability funding <br />will be used to serve other disability areas in a waiver setting. We are also <br />aware, however, that this is the same argument that was made when <br />area authorities were shifted to a single stream funding model. We have <br />no information to suggest that has ever occurred in a program with single <br />stream funding; no evidence to suggest that it has occurred at PBH; and <br />no reason to believe that it would occur in any new waiver site. <br />16. Where can I find more information about waivers? <br />OPC has created a section on our webpage that contains links to <br />resources as well as various documents that have been written about <br />waivers. You can access our site at <br />17. Who can I call if I have questions? <br />If you have questions, you can contact OPC's customer service line at <br />(888)277-2303 or (919)913-4120 or you may e-mail your questions directly <br />to waiverquestions@opc-mhc orq We will be posting the questions and <br />answers and will be updating this FAQ document on a regular basis. The <br />Division of MH/DD/SAS is also responding to questions sent to: <br />1915BC.Waiver.Contact@dhhs nc qov <br />