Orange County NC Website
12 <br />1. Firm's name and business address, including telephone and fax number, email address, <br />website address. <br />2. The type of firm (individual, partnership, corpora#ion, etc.) and list the names of all <br />partners, principals, etc. <br />3. Year established. Include former firm name(s) and year(s) established, if applicable. <br />4. Organizational chart of the firm. <br />5. The name, title, address and teiephone number of the firm's authorized negotiator for this <br />project. The person identified must be empowered to make binding commitments for the <br />firm and its subcontractors. <br />C. Relevant Experience of the Firm <br />The following items must be included in the relevant experience section: <br />1. Three projects of similar scope and size to the project described in this RFP that your firm <br />has provided in the last three years. Please provide company name, address, city state, <br />contact name and phone number of point of contact. The County prefers experience to be <br />from other governmental agencies. <br />D. Resources <br />1. Staf#: A list of key staff members who will be assigned to this project. The information <br />shad include resume, professional credentials, certificates, licenses, and level of <br />qualifications that are necessary to perform this project, <br />E. Other Requirements <br />1. Provide a complete time line detailing the implementation and inctude a firm <br />target date for completion of the study. <br />2. information concerning any current violations and any ongoing litigation which <br />may cause conflicts or affect the ability of the proposer to provide services. . <br />3. Responsibility for Proposal Costs: The Contractor shall be responsible for all <br />costs incurred in the preparation and submission of their proposal. <br />F. Any exceptionsldeviatfons to specifications shalt be included on a separate page. <br />G. Any current or prior retationshfps with any of the Fire/RescuelEMS stakeholders <br />