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A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to deny <br />acceptance of the preliminary plan for the Woodgreen Subdivision. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Bid Award/Contract Approval - Efland Cheeks Community School Park <br />The Board considered bids and contract approval for construction of the Efland Cheeks <br />Community School Park. <br />John Link stated that in addition to the funding options listed in the abstract, the money set <br />aside for school/park development could be used as a source for additional funding above the appropriation <br />and the low bid. <br />Purchasing Director Pam Jones explained the options and what would be included in each <br />project. <br />This bid includes Phase I of the Efland Cheeks Community-School Park master plan. <br />Primary amenities include playground area, multipurpose playing field (includes irrigation of the playing <br />field), lighted basketball court, picnic shelter, walking trail and parking areas. <br />Phase I bids were received on March 4, 1999, with three (3) bidders responding. The base <br />bids ranged from $756,663.00 to $1,194,800.00. <br />The original project estimate from the designer was approximately $650,000.00; however, <br />various changes were made after the estimate was submitted. Most of the design changes were <br />inconsequential from a cost perspective. The primary scope/cost change added after the estimate was the <br />basketball court lighting, estimated by the designer at $15,000.00 to $20,000.00. <br />The bid included five (5) alternates, which are outlined as follows: <br />1. Sprigging of the multipurpose field. Sprigging is a process of placing established <br />grass into the planting surface. It allows the grass surface on the playing field to be established quicker and <br />the grass is healthier, thereby minimizing the chance that the surface will need to be replanted more than <br />one time. This alternate bid was $55,000.00 and is not recommended for approval. <br />2. Pervious parking surface. Due to the impervious surface requirements at this site, <br />pervious surfaces were specified in some of the lesser-trafficked parking areas. Two (2) types of turfgrids <br />were specified. This alternate allowed the contractor to make a distinction in the quality, and presumably <br />price of the turfgrids they would propose to use. The apparent low bidder did not provide a deduct alternate, <br />however. <br />3. Metal bollards. The project includes wooden bollards. The designer added these as <br />an alternate since they may be more durable than wooden bollards, and can be painted to allow for different <br />aesthetics in the park. The wooden bollards are functionally acceptable however, so it would not be <br />recommended that this alternate be taken. This alternate would add $3,000.00. <br />4. Two (2) level water fountain and water line. This alternate adds a second water <br />fountain to the park and is located in the general vicinity of the playground. The other fountain is located in <br />the general vicinity of the shelter. Two (2) level fountains are required for handicapped access. This <br />alternate adds $500.00. <br />5. Picnic shelter planting includes approximately 40 shrubs in the general vicinity of the <br />picnic shelter. The shrubs were bid by the apparent low bidder at $25.00 per unit, including labor to install <br />and guarantee for one (1) year. This alternate adds $2,000.00. <br />If all of the alternates were taken, the apparent low bid for the project would be $817,163.00. <br />To provide insight as to where the cost centers fall within this project, the following <br />information from the designer's cost estimation documents is offered: <br />1. The majority of the project cost is clearing, grading, site utilities, and erosion <br />control measures (estimated cost $310,000.00). <br />2. Development of the playing field ($101,000.00, which includes $35,000.00 for <br />irrigation of this field only); <br />3. Construction of the picnic shelter with grills, tables, etc. (estimated $59,000.00); <br />4. Construction of the lighted basketball court (est. $49,500.00); <br />5. Development of park entrance and parking areas (estimated $114,000.00, which <br />includes plantings, associated sidewalks, signage, and so forth);